Electrify Taranaki

Saving money and cooling the planet by electrifying the region

We're supporting individual and collective community action to reduce your energy costs by electrifying your whare, business and local infrastructure.

Our objective is to develop community-owned projects and individual action that catalyses the development of an equitable, affordable, sustainable, localised resilient energy system, that is relevant to our region and its people. Initiatives include those supported by Rewiring Aotearoa, plus other collective energy ownership models.

Our group focuses on 5 key themes:

  1. Community resilience (natural disasters, climate change)
  2. Community ownership/power (energy sovereignty)
  3. Redistribution/Social Justice (equity potential)
  4. Behaviour change/degrowth (consumption)
  5. Renewable energy use that is kind to the taiao & is culturally appropriate/relevant.

Join us if you are interested in knowing more and/or contributing to this community group; Even the most modest contribution is welcome. Nau mai, haere mai!

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