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Electric Boat, Wellington Ferry, New Zealand, Hydro Falling Boat, Vehicle Design, Payload, Vessel Mass, Battery Capacity, Electric Vessels, Battery Range, Electric Ferries, Oslo, Short Trips, Charging Power, Nautical Miles, Fossil Fuel Powered Boats, Singapore Ban, Commercial Vessels.
0 minutes Very famous electric boat in New Zealand, of course, is the Wellington ferry. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds Now that there's not a hydro falling boat, requires significantly more batteries than what this one requires and significantly more power. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds Yeah. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds And it has. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds Well, it's just, you know, when you look at making vehicles, you know, if you start out with vehicle design, you probably have a payload picked out and you have an overall vessel mass picked out. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds There's only so much of the vehicle that you can make battery. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds You know, if you go beyond that, you're kind of eating into payload. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds And so you had this finite amount of energy for a given plane forgiven car for a given boat. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds Traditional battery electric vessels will have tons of applications in applications that work with their range and we're charging is available for that. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds And I saw like Oslo there, like I think most of their ferries, if not all of their ferries are now electric and the harbour up there, but none of them looks to be hydro falling. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds But that would be because they can actually make the conventional boat design work because of the short trips maybe. 0:57 0 minutes 57 seconds Yeah, the short trips. 0:58 0 minutes 58 seconds And there's tons of charging power available. 1:01 1 minute 1 second It can work. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds But like, as soon as you're tipping over the point where your round trip is 10, maybe 15 nautical miles, you know, that ends up being like, you know, the better part of a complete discharge on a conventional better electric vessel. 1:14 1 minute 14 seconds You know, the other thing that's happening around the world too is there's more and more ports that are now saying that oh, we don't want more fossil fuel powered boats like on our waters. 1:22 1 minute 22 seconds Singapore actually has a ban on new fossil fuel powered commercial vessels being introduced in the harbor by 20-30.
Commercial Heat Pump, R290 Refrigerant Technology, Vertical Discharge Heat Pump, Twin Compressors, Kilowatt Rating, Air Clearances, Commercial Properties, Hot Water Production, Space Heating, 300 Liter Hot Water Cylinder, Domestic Hot Water Heating, Electric Backup Limitation
0 minutes This looks a little bit more commercial than the residential ones. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds We're just looking at kind of interesting. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds It's got a, it's got a hot water cylinder here and it's a heat pump here. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds How does this thing work? 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds OK, so this runs on the same refrigerant technologies we've been talked about. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds It's R290 as well, but this is a vertical discharge heat pump, so it has twin compressors and a vertical fan, right. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds So I've. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds Here's the fans on here. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds Fans on the top. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds Yeah. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds OK. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds So what that allows us to do is we can get and this units rated at about 4550 odd kilowatts depending on what it's doing. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds So you're getting a lot of horsepower of a much smaller envelope and because we're discharging upwards, we don't need the air clearances around it. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds So then we can bank these up and we can get a more horsepower of less, less area essentially. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds So when you start getting into big commercial properties and stuff like that, you end up going into this type of platform, yes. 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds And what's this tank on the side that's that actually hit the actual hot water that would be going in the showers or So what a lot of the applications of these heat pumps are becoming is hot water production. 0:58 0 minutes 58 seconds So not necessarily just space heating. 1:01 1 minute 1 second So that is just a 300 liter hot water cylinder. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds Now the advantage of the R290 appliances is the fact their flow temperature can be upwards of 75�, which means you can heat domestic hot water to six to legal storage temperature of 65� without any electric backup at all, which has always been the limitation of of heat pumps. 1:18 1 minute 18 seconds Yes.
Hydrofoils, Boat Efficiency, Biofouling Prevention, Shallow Draft, Boat Trailer, Vessel Transport, T Foil, Pi Foil, Lift Control, Sea Keeping Performance, Wave Disturbance Rejection
The hydrofoils go up and down typically when you're slow speed parked, and that's so you can pull them out of the water when you're not using the vessel to prevent biofouling because critters like to grow on things and like even a little bit of critter ends up reducing the efficiency of these things pretty significantly. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds Then shallow draft and trailer ability. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds Put the boat on the trailer, move it around the country, for example, or pull it out for the offseason. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds But yeah, so the foils go down about a meter below the lowest point in the hull. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds Yeah, there's two foils. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds There's the T foil in the back that does 20% of the lift. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds Then the front foil, the Pi foil, that's the big one that does 80% of the lift. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds And between them, there's two flaps in the Pi foil, one flap on the T foil. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds So you've got sort of like three contact services and between them, that's how we controlled about, you know, the flaps actually can go end stop to end stop and a half second. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds That's so you can get like outrageous sea keeping performance. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds So you can like reject the disturbances of waves rather than just like passively plowing through them.
Electrification, Energy Efficiency, Electric Home, Renewable Energy, Fossil Fuels, Sea Freight, Electric Machines, Self-Generated Energy, New Zealand National Grid, Renewable Energy Consumption, Gas Appliances, Petrol Vehicles
Look at this, if you are looking at gas appliances and petrol vehicles, the average home in New Zealand in a day will use about 87 kilowatt hours worth of energy. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds You immediately shrink that down by pretty much a third by running a fully electric home. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds So when you think about this electrification is the energy efficiency we have always been looking for. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds One of the other big things that I think is super interesting that well over 40% of all global sea freight is in the transportation of fossil fuels. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds So the moment that you swap to an electric machine, you're cutting down the need for those freighters to even be on the ocean, right? 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds So using energy that you generate on your own rooftop or using energy that comes from New Zealand's National Grid, which is, you know, on average 85% renewable, 85% generated, you know, you know, onshore, using our assets makes a significant difference to the amount of energy that we need to consume and can drive down the number of freighters on the ocean.
Solar power, smart panel, solar inverter, photovoltaic systems, sub circuit control, power needs, solar accessibility, small solar systems, 10 kilowatt support, three phase power, smart sub panel, energy insights.
0 minutes So from a solar perspective, what we've got is the ability with the basis smart panel is to connect to your inverter and obviously to your PV as well. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds What our product fundamentally allows you to do is at a detailed level, get in and get control. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So you connect it up to individual sub circuit and the ability to control solar and the inverter, it all exists in one place along with all of the other power needs. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds So this won't fit all of the solar nerds, unfortunately. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds Our model has been to make solar accessible to everyone and it's an outward model. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds So for us, small solar systems are fine. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds I think we can support up to 10 kilowatt. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds There are situations where if you're running three phase or you're larger than the 10 kilowatts, you can use our smart panel as a sub panel still accessing obviously the insights and information and all of the key features.
Electric truck, AC charging station, Orange Elephant, 22 kilowatt, 44 kilowatt, energy consumption, Papakura, curbside bins, electric vehicle use case, dump trucks, EV trucks.
This is, yeah, kind of the pride and joy of the fleet right now. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds The orange elephant, this truck is notorious around Papakura because it does a lot of the curbside bins around there. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds And again, 100% electric. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds So this is the AC charging station here. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds Yep. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds So the the orange elephant, what is that? 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds That charges on 22 kilos. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds So this will be a 44 kilos. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds Is that 44 kilowatt? 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds This truck tends to use a lot of its energy during its route. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds It collects between 900 to 1200 bins in a day in Papakura, so it tends to come back and charge over about 10 hours. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds What a cycle. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds Yeah, ***** here will immediately go Evan, you're going to brown out Auckland when you charge all your trucks. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds Yeah, what actually happens? 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds But the. 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds So we've got our software to manage that process as well, but it's also charging at night when the demand is down. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds Yes. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds So again, that's a good thing. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds So any good use case for dump trucks that are collecting? 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds Absolutely, absolutely yeah. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds And you can see from the the cab that the EV trucks are no longer unicorns.
commercial warehouse, rooftop solar, excess generation, solar power, energy offsetting, energy storage, running costs, demo heat pumps, solar electricity, charging station, electric vehicles
0 minutes This is a commercial warehouse and you've got rooftop solar. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds Well, I mean, in the summertime we have excess generation here. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds It's a very good match to a commercial environment because we've obviously got a lot of activity going on during the middle of the day when we're getting maximum generation. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds So we've got the maximum possible offsetting without having to need any, any storage. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds Obviously there's a downturn in winter, but the system's been sized to give us that good balance across the year. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds So it's, you know, it really keeps the running costs of the building down. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds So you use your solar obviously to run some of these demo heat pumps that you've got here that you, I, I felt the fan on outside before. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds What other machines in this commercial warehouse that we're currently in use benefit from solar electricity on your roof? 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds Well, I don't spend a huge amount of time in the building being in the sales side of things, but we've got a charging station outside the building. 0:57 0 minutes 57 seconds So we're kind of charge electric vehicles here. 1:00 1 minute Directors have electric vehicles. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds So have they bought you an electric vehicle yet? 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds No, they have not. 1:05 1 minute 5 seconds That's all right, Steve. 1:05 1 minute 5 seconds We'll, we'll work on that. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Electrification, Smart Panel, Electrical Industry, iPhone Moment, Distribution Board, Affordable Technology, Home Safety, Fire Protection, Energy Saving, Cost Efficiency, Electrical Appliances, Electrocuting Protection, Electricity Costs, Traditional Electrical Panel.
0 minutes Cheaper homes, safer homes and access to electrification future. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds What we've got here is a smart panel, which is a fundamental shift. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds It's the iPhone moment for the electrical industry, replacing the traditional distribution board to a smart panel enabled device to conceptualize it. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds It takes $30,000 worth of devices, control devices, safety of devices, energy insights devices and it puts them into a much six year looking products. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds We have invested 4 years to make sure that this is affordable for everyone. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds An electrical panel at its heart is effectively a safety system. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds It protects you against electrocution, electrical fire and damage to all of the appliances in your house. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds And I guess the difference that we've brought to this is taken those core safety features and then we've expanded their capabilities into Insights and control, which gives you the ability to manage all of the devices within your home. 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds Everyone deserves a safer home. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds Everyone deserves improvements in electrocution, electrical Fire Protection. 1:00 1 minute Everyone deserves to save money on their electricity costs. 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds And everyone deserves to have a system that can deliver those cost affordably. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds And I think that's what our product does. 1:10 1 minute 10 seconds It's not a meaningfully large amount of money to pay extra over a traditional electrical panel, and you get a hell of a lot more.
Electric induction stove, gas offset, government investment, Ed, heat pump water heater, domestic investment, energy saving
0 minutes Just just a riff on that, you know that it for example electric induction stove, you know how much gas or it's going to offset at $40 a tonne, it's probably worth $700.00 on the day you buy it. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds So instead of buying rushing trees that never get planted, you government could invest $700 in that stove. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds It's probably worth $10,000 on an Ed with an expected lifetime of a few 100,000 kilometers. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds It's probably worth thousand $2000 on the expected lifetime of the heat pump water heater. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds So in some literal way, you could translate these things into domestic investment that hits your target, saves you the money.
Passive House, House Design, Home Electrification, Low Energy Builds, DCD Building, Heating Ventilation Recovery System, Hot Water Heat Pump, Steeple Ultron, Energy Efficient Home, Electric Home Systems
0 minutes Somebody said to me, you've been trying to design your house for about 20 years now, haven't you? 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds And I said, yeah, it's probably true. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds 5-6 months ago we moved into our house and it was zoned with Passive House principles. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds We knew everything was going to be electric. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds And one of the biggest decisions probably is not what you're choosing, but whom you're working with, putting together a team that you believe has the, the right values actually, but also the right knowledge in this, what's the latest in technology? 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds What's the most practical decisions to be made? 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds So particularly around this house, I used a local builder who builds low energy builds DCD building and they, they're specialized in this work. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds So they had relationship with, you know, Steeple Ultron, which is the heating ventilation recovery system and also my hot water heat pump. 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds I they knew that it was like Passive House principles and so it needed to be certain types of equipment.
New Zealand, national charging network, EV, public charging, EKA, charger every 75 kilometers, 50 kilowatt charger, 150 kilowatt charger, 300 kilowatt charger, at-home charging, government goals, Chargnet CEO, future goals, 10000 charge points, long-term contracts, charger roll out.
0 minutes So New Zealand is the only country in the world where a national charging network was built by a do and the government in in the mid 2010, Steve got his first EV, couldn't drive around New Zealand and recognize that public charging is the thing that gets in the way. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So he started working with EKA to build a national network. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds And the idea of that stage was a charger every 75 kilometers because we have a lot of leaps in the country and that's the kind of distance that they can do. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds So what you find out, a lot of New Zealand now we've got over 200 sites, they have A50 kilowatt charger. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds It's kind of the workhorse. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds The thing I like to say about our charges is that everywhere you'd rather be, there's like a back catalogue of photos on our staff site of walks on the beach, dogs and playgrounds, kids doing other stuff or people charge their EPS. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds You get away from having to make it a stop and a thing that you do and it's something that happens while you're living the rest of your life. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds And now we've sort of rolled into the next phase around that what we call strength and densities. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds We've really upgraded. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds So a lot of our install sites now 150 kilowatt charges or 300 kilowatt charges. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds And the cool thing about public charging is it supplements, you're at home charging, it's for when you're out and about. 1:00 1 minute And obviously the governments got goals around how many fast charges they roll out, but that's the government. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds What is your goal as CEO of Chargnet? 1:09 1 minute 9 seconds What do you want to get done in the next, say, five years in New Zealand? 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds We're busy, busy. 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds We're all behind that 10,000 charge account. 1:15 1 minute 15 seconds We'd like to be a good portion of that. 1:17 1 minute 17 seconds I mean, we'd like to see long term contracts put in place to get that 10,000 charges done. 1:21 1 minute 21 seconds We've had a great partnership with Eker over the years and we continue to work with them. 1:25 1 minute 25 seconds But what we're looking at is really intensifying our charger roll out.
EVs, renewable electricity, electricity grid, energy generation, rooftop energy, home energy, farm energy, small business energy, New Zealand energy policy, electrical infrastructure, electricity costs, energy storage, batteries, electricity price.
0 minutes So in the next few years, with the rise in EVs, we're going to need a lot more electricity. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds The government has often spoken about the need to double the amount of renewable electricity on the grid. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds We are going to need somewhere between 2:00 to three times more electricity. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds What we haven't caught on to yet is the remarkable opportunity for a lot of that energy to be generated on the rooftops of our homes, on our farms and in our small businesses. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds So we have a lot of narrative in New Zealand at the moment about this incredible need to spend billions, 10s of billions of dollars upgrading all the poles and wires to make sure that we can deliver all this energy to homes. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds And don't get me wrong, we are going to need to upgrade some of the poles and wires, but every upgrade of those poles and wires the customer has to pay for, right? 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds So the counterfactual for all this is what if we can get customers creating a lot of the energy on their rooftops, storing it in batteries and using it at a later stage. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds That means there's not going to be as much of A need to build this out, which means we can keep the electricity price much, much lower for the rest of New Zealand.
Waste Management, Green Star Building, New Zealand Green Building Council, Sustainable Design, Emission Reduction, Acoustics, Solar Power, Electric Trucks, EV Charging, Landfill Management, Leachate Processing, Gas to Electricity, Grid Energy, Curbside Collection, Energy Production, Sustainable Energy
0 minutes Waste Management's headquarters is a 5 star green star building rated by the New Zealand Green Building Council. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds What does that mean, Evan Yeah, so during the design process, we made sure that we use materials that were sustainably produced and also we're going to reduce our emissions going forward. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So family fantastic. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds And you know, the acoustics are great within the building and everyone loves working here. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds So we've almost been here five years. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds It's a it's a beautiful building. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds It's not what you'd expect from a waste management company, but it's it's quite an incredible, incredible space. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds Even we've provisioned for putting solar on board, which will again help power our electric trucks in the building. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds So they mostly electric dump trucks are charged here on site for Auckland. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds Absolutely, yeah. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds And also our sales team have charges 100% of our sales vehicles, EVs, but they're also spread around Auckland as well. 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds So our landfills, what we do is we engineer them. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds So we capture all the the leachate that we comes out of the landfill, we process that, but we're also capturing the gas turned into electricity that we're putting into the grid. 1:00 1 minute And what we're doing is in drawing that off to parallel EV trucks. 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds Most people are familiar with the curbside collection. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds So the red bin that they put out weekly, our truck will do about 1200 pickups of those during a shift. 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds The the gas and the energy that's produced from that, that day's pickups of 1200 is enough to power the truck for the following day as well as 275 homes. 1:24 1 minute 24 seconds That is just nuts.
Electrification, Smart Panel, Electricity Retailers, Solar Panels, Power Inverter, AC Power, Power Lines, Solar Configuration, Energy Consumption, Bus Bar, Grid Connection, Energy Saving, Digital Experience, Appliance Consumption, Retail Electricity Plans, Energy Control, Hot Water Cylinder Automation, Average Cents Per kWh, Solar System, Battery System.
In today's world, you have this complicated group of switches and other sorts of devices, unnecessary safety features, check metering. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds Electricity retailers have all these requirements. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds The smart panel prefabricates and streamlines all of that into one simple circuit. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds Sun hits the solar panels. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds Power comes through into your inverter, gets converted into AC that gets converted down through the power lines through these switches, which hopefully will eliminate in the future, comes down through the cables. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds We're going to come back through this wall comes straight down this link and you'll see it come into the solar configuration right there. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds Once the energy comes in, it hits the bus bar or the backplane and it feeds your entire house. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds And if you've got too much generation, it feeds back out to the grid and you make money on that. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds The way that our digital experience works and how we help customers save money is all of the energy that's consumed in your home flows Through this panel, you'll be able to understand every single appliance in your house and how much that's consuming. 0:58 0 minutes 58 seconds We then assess that consumption against all of the electricity retail plans that exist in the market, and we help you find the best plan based on your current profiles. 1:09 1 minute 9 seconds We then help you control energy use within your house. 1:12 1 minute 12 seconds It might be turning a hot water cylinder on and off remotely or automating that control. 1:16 1 minute 16 seconds And we basically help you shift and lower your average cents per kWh as far as possible. 1:21 1 minute 21 seconds And then once we're there, we understand a new baseline of your energy costs, and then we help you find the right solar and battery system.
Electric Farm, Electrification, Profitable Business, CEO, Waste Management, CFO, Reduce Footprint, Diesel Consumption Reduction, Operational Footprint, EV Conversion, Electric Vehicles, EV Trucks, Upfront Cost, Environmental Impact, Sustainable Business.
0 minutes The one thing I love about your story is is me building an electric farm. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds I often find people go, this guy has no ideas about the numbers. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds He's just there to spend all his money on electric toys. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds And my whole thing is, how do I prove that electrification actually makes me more, more profitable business? 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds Now, I love your story because you weren't originally the CEO, were you? 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds What was your background? 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds Yeah. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds Yeah. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds So before becoming the MD in Waste Management, I was CFO for 8 1/2 years here when the journey started. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds And it's fair to say that economics didn't stack up. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds But for us, we look beyond that in terms of we wanted to reduce our footprint that we have in this country. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds And so for us, it was more about the the diesel and reducing our diesel consumption. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds Diesel's 80% of our operational footprint, million litres a month, that's the size of price we're aiming at. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds And so we've been through a process and as you know, going through your process of converting the Hilux, we've learnt a lot. 1:00 1 minute Yep. 1:00 1 minute Now manufacturers are rolling them off their production line. 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds So we expect to see that cost come down. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds They will last longer and is getting close to the MPV neutral, the life of the the EV truck, which we'd say is going to last longer than a diesel truck. 1:15 1 minute 15 seconds There's the premium upfront, but it pays for itself by not consuming the diesel. 1:19 1 minute 19 seconds Got you. 1:21 1 minute 21 seconds So you know it is a it is a barrier for some people. 1:24 1 minute 24 seconds Is that upfront cost? 1:25 1 minute 25 seconds Yep. 1:26 1 minute 26 seconds But they notice the savings and they notice the environmental impact as well.
solar system, battery system, basis smart panel, electrification, New Zealand, smart panel, electrical use, energy decisions, solar power, battery power, energy insight, electrical journey
0 minutes When I'm installing a new solar and battery system, why is it important to to have a basis smart panel? 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds Yes, so the basis smart panel is basically the gateway to electrification for New Zealand. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds There hasn't been anything in the market that's existed like this before. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds So we're the world's leading smart panel. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds And the reason that is, is basically we give consumers the information insight to be able to make the best decisions for their electrical, their electrical use, whether that encompasses solar and battery or they're just starting off on that journey. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds Basically, we're the stepping stone to enable that electrification.
Foiling boats, Outboard motor, Axial flux motor, Electric car acceleration, Peak power requirements, Propeller, Flying boats, Electric actuators, Hydraulic actuators, Struts, Flaps, Rudder, Modular design, Maintainability.
0 minutes I've seen the foiling boats before, see they come up on the foils like this and they've got like an outboard motor with a really long. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds Yeah. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds Is that what you guys have here too? 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds We've got it taken apart right now. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds Yep. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds We've got on the underside of this plate is our 80 kilowatt continuous axial flux motor. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds That's quite fascinating because that is like half of the power of my cars. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds We don't have the same acceleration peakiness. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds Gotcha. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds You know, like we just need a cruise like our take off time. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds Yeah, it takes us like quite a few seconds to take off. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds Whereas like I think, you know, everyone likes to brag about their electric car goes like zero to 60 and sort of like, I don't know, 2-3 seconds, something like that. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds We don't have those peak power requirements. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds Yes, you can run a boat like this with less power. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds Yep. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds And so we've got, so we've got that axial flux motor that drives a shaft, goes down to a propeller. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds To do flying boats really well though, we actually need to create a bunch of our own tech. 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds We actually created our own electric actuators, not hydraulic or anything like that, just because they're higher performance, reliable and very controllable. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds The seven different things need to move and slide, 3 struts, 3 flaps and the rudder. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds And we use the same actuator for everything, which just makes it more modular and more maintainable, which is nice for operators.
Evan Waste Management, electrification New Zealand, electric rubbish trucks, electric company cars, Byds, Konas, EV charging at work, electric truck battery life, battery health monitoring, electric waste collection, landfill gas electricity conversion.
We've got everyone. 0:00 0 minutes We're here today to meet with Evan, who is the CEO of Waste Management. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds He is one of the electrification heroes, in my opinion, of New Zealand. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds Everything this company is doing in the electrification space is actually pretty epic. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds We're going to go in and see some converted electric rubbish trucks today, which we'll show you all about. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds If you have a look over here. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds Look at all those electric company cars, Byds, Konas, the works. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds I think like this is one of the cool things. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds We'll learn about more about it when we're in there. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds But if you have an EV and you work for Waste Management, you come in charge of vehicle here and also there's a whole bunch of fleet vehicles for staff to use during the day. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds This is Evan Evan is the CEO of Waste Management, former the formerly the CFO of Waste Management. 6:35 6 minutes 35 seconds So you can see the battery packs there and we can go and grab a closer look and you can see the motor that runs it. 6:43 6 minutes 43 seconds Awesome. 6:44 6 minutes 44 seconds And then we put our waste body on the back and then we're in business with the biggest truck. 6:49 6 minutes 49 seconds And you were saying before it was around the ideal, the trucks here, they will run for about 200 KS or under 200 KS on their trip and they'll charge here at night time and they'll be ready to go. 7:01 7 minutes 1 second Yeah. 7:01 7 minutes 1 second So basically a duty cycle is 200 to 250 K's a day. 7:05 7 minutes 5 seconds Yep. 7:06 7 minutes 6 seconds So they leave the depot in the morning, they come back in the afternoon, evening. 7:10 7 minutes 10 seconds And then they could plug in ordinary AC charging. 7:13 7 minutes 13 seconds Yeah, 220 kilowatts. 7:14 7 minutes 14 seconds Yep. 7:15 7 minutes 15 seconds They're ready to go the next morning. 7:16 7 minutes 16 seconds Yeah. 7:16 7 minutes 16 seconds Cool. 7:17 7 minutes 17 seconds So, and I know something that one of the people immediately gonna say is, you know, this guy is a dreamer. 7:24 7 minutes 24 seconds Those batteries are gonna die in a couple of years. 7:26 7 minutes 26 seconds But what's your oldest EV truck looking at now? 7:28 7 minutes 28 seconds Yeah, So 001 is 7 years old, seven years. 7:32 7 minutes 32 seconds And so the team have telematics on all the batteries. 7:34 7 minutes 34 seconds So they're a group of cells, and they're not one big battery. 7:36 7 minutes 36 seconds Yep, and they can tell what the health of each of those cells within the battery pack is. 7:41 7 minutes 41 seconds And so far no degradation in 001, right. 7:44 7 minutes 44 seconds So 7 year old battery is still pretty much brand new. 7:47 7 minutes 47 seconds Yep, it's remarkable, isn't it? 7:48 7 minutes 48 seconds Yeah, absolutely. 7:50 7 minutes 50 seconds So it's it's not until you try these things that you learn. 7:53 7 minutes 53 seconds Yep, for us, it's also making an environment for the drivers that they want to come to work and want to come to work for, for waste management WM. 8:01 8 minutes 1 second So that's that's part of the reason why we're doing this is, you know, you come work for us and drive the best trucks in the country. 8:07 8 minutes 7 seconds Yep, awesome man. 8:09 8 minutes 9 seconds Do the Auckland public appreciate what you're doing? 8:12 8 minutes 12 seconds They know that these I think, I think we're still telling our story. 8:16 8 minutes 16 seconds I think it's probably one of the secrets that is out there. 8:19 8 minutes 19 seconds But with with telling the story more. 8:21 8 minutes 21 seconds Yep. 8:22 8 minutes 22 seconds I mean, the, you know, the fact that the, the truck that picks up the electric truck that picks up their wheelie bin on the on the kerb does about 1200 pickups a day. 8:32 8 minutes 32 seconds The waste goes to our modern engineer landfalls, turns it into gas, turns it. 8:37 8 minutes 37 seconds We turn that into electricity. 8:39 8 minutes 39 seconds And that that one day's worth a pickup willpower the truck for the following day. 8:43 8 minutes 43 seconds Plus 275 homes. 8:45 8 minutes 45 seconds Yeah, Yeah, that's absolutely. 8:47 8 minutes 47 seconds I love it.
New Zealand energy costs, electricity generation, wholesale electricity rate, power bill, solar farms, wind farms, hydroelectric schemes, fossil fuel plants, national transmission lines, local distribution lines, kilowatt hour cost, solar system cost, energy finance.
0 minutes So when everyone talks the cost of energy in New Zealand, they're usually talking about the cost it takes to generate electricity. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds Over the last five years, the average wholesale rate of electricity, the cost of generating it, has been about 14.6 cents, right, Which is pretty cheap. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds The issue is that that is not what the customer pays on their power bill. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds It's only part of it. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds You look at this graph here and that shows over here the wholesale rate of electricity to generate it on our large, you know, solar farms, wind farms, hydroelectric scheme, including the cost of coal and gas that is run at some of the fossil fuel plants that we have as well as customers on our power bill. 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds We also have to pay for the national transmission lines and those national transmission lines are the big giant power lines that go up and down New Zealand. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds We also have to pay for our local distribution lines, which are all the small power lines that are all over in New Zealand that eventually connect us back to the national transmission lines, back to the large generators. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds We also have all these other charges involved on our power bill, which means on average in New Zealand we are now paying 30-4 cents or 33.9 cents per kWh for electricity. 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds When you actually spread the cost of the solar system over its expected lifetime of 25 years, it's only going to be costing you 6.2 cents for every kWh you consume, or if you finance it at 5%, about 11 and a half cents per kilowatt. 1:29 1 minute 29 seconds Yeah.
Smart Panel, Consumer App, Home Electrification, Solar Installation, Power Usage, Electrical Components, Hot Water Cylinders, Heat Pumps, General Lighting, Solar Providers, Energy Ecosystem.
Rather than having some random solar installer look at my power bills and decide what I need, do you guys like generate a report that I can give to a solar installer to say this is exactly what I need in my home? 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds So what we've got is basically a consumer app that comes with our product. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds It's not just a smart panel, it's an ecosystem of products. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds And that consumer app is free and allows any and all consumers to see the usage broken down by any and all of the major electrical components in the home or electrical uses in the home. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds So hot water cylinders, heat pumps, etcetera, all the way down to kind of general lighting and general power usage. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds We work with solar providers as well. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds We see ourselves as complementary to this ecosystem to enable consumers to make that best decision and the solar providers to work with you to understand the best needs for you and your family.
Water Heating, Energy Efficiency, Home Electrification, New Zealand Homes, Solar Power, Heat Pump, Energy Bills, Upfront Costs, LPG, Gas Heating, Solar Heating, Water Bill Savings
0 minutes Now, the most important thing to remember about water heating is that water heating prices go up the more people that there are in your home. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds Right now, the average number of people in the typical home in New Zealand, this is going to sound really, really bizarre, is 2.8 people, right? 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds That's because some people have kids, some people don't. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds Most people live with somebody else. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds The average is 2.8 people. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds So if you have a couple of kids in your home, then your water bill is probably going to be higher than what I'm about to show you. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds And if you live by yourself, your water bill is going to be lower in low socio economic homes in New Zealand. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds And we generally have a higher number of people in the home paying more for their water heating, not only in terms of the percentage of their paycheck, but actually just the face value of the water bill over lifetime ownership of a water heater. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds We're looking at the upfront costs plus the energy bills, plus the fixed bills associated with each different heating type. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds So in the South Island of New Zealand, and we're looking at LPG, you're looking at about 15 and a half, $1000 over A50 within year. 1:00 1 minute Is what you're going to be paying in heating or in water heating bills, a little bit less at about $12,100 for gas. 1:08 1 minute 8 seconds But what you can see is the significant savings potential when you electrify and in particular when you put a lot of the surface solar that you generate on your roof into your hot water cylinder. 1:21 1 minute 21 seconds When you use a heat pump with solar, you're down to about $8000, compared to almost double that if you're going to be heating water with gas.
"Efficient home, passive house, electric coffee, house design, energy efficient living, low energy bills, electric cars, solar power, home battery, environmental conservation, sustainable living, green technology"
Thank you for inviting us into your new efficient passive adjacent home. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Yes, electric coffee. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds Electric coffee. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds Tell us a bit about the the give us the bullet points on how this all came together. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds Yeah. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So this is a house that somebody said to me, you've been trying to design your house for about 20 years now, haven't you? 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds And I said, yeah, it's probably true. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds But basically 5-6 months ago we moved into our house. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds It's a pretty simple 110 square metre house and it was designed with passive house principles. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds Nothing burning and one one bill to look after really like one bill, one retailer to deal with. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds It's a pretty small bill. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds One bill for the cars too. 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds It includes the cars. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds So everything, including the cars, I still expect to pay $0.00 in the whole in a 365. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds And that's because of something on your roof, 11.5 kilowatts of solar and one single battery at this point, now that you start to see the data in front of you, start to change the way in which you you feel like you can effect change. 1:11 1 minute 11 seconds It's very addictive. 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds The E VS as I said, the E VS the gateway to solar or the solar is the gateway to EVI think for most people, yeah.
EV, electric vehicles, non-mechanical, simplicity, mechanic knowledge, control, power, no oil change, less complexity
0 minutes So the EV story is for me is I'm not a mechanical person. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds Not like I don't like getting be an oil monkey underneath my car. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds Some people do, that's cool. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds But I like the idea that I don't have to worry about stuff and the complexity is less and that the knowledge is getting better around it from more mechanics. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds As such, I felt there's more power in my hand and more sense of control over things that it were fairly uncontrollable before.
Lifehouse, Kiwis, house building, variable rates, batteries, load shifting, New Zealand grid, energy output, community support, independent company, infrastructure, system contribution
0 minutes This is also my Lifehouse, which is different from most Kiwis who build a house and move, move etcetera around. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds If we could get variable rates that would it would encourage particularly batteries because then everyone can shift loads and use utilise really good rates to to help and support the New Zealand grid. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds We could all be pumping out energy and be supporting our community as opposed to utilising the infrastructure and assets of an independent company. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds We all become part of the contribution to the system and not just leaning on the system set around us.
heat pump technology, flow temperatures, gas boiler, home comfort, radiators, hydraulic separation, defrosting process, hydronic heat pumps, buffer tank, energy efficiency, heating system replacement
0 minutes It's easy. 0:00 0 minutes So in the last few years the heat pump technology has really improved to the point where we can produce flow temperatures that generally match what a gas boiler can do. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds And that's the important part. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds So the system has to run at about the same average temperature as it did before to give the same amount of comfort to the house. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds So, So radiators on a gas boiler, you typically have panels that look a little bit like the ones here on the wall and they'd be connected by pipe work, which is along with lines of this through to an appliance like like that one right there. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds So in order to to replace it, we would take that off the wall and we would put a small version of this in its place. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds So a little tank, about 50 litres. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds What that does is provide hydraulic separation. 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds They'd put a difference between a heat pump and a gas boiler as the heat pumps require do a process called defrosting where they've basically got a clear ice off their coils outside. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds So when they work really hard and the humidity is quite high, they produce a lot of cold air and that cold air freezes the water outside onto the coils and every now and again it has to clear it. 1:01 1 minute 1 second All heat pumps do this. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds It's a standard function of their operation. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds Where do they get the heat from is the question. 1:08 1 minute 8 seconds So what the hydronic heat pumps or the water based heat pumps do is they bring it back from the system. 1:12 1 minute 12 seconds So we don't want to take the heat out of the radiators because that's what's in the house. 1:16 1 minute 16 seconds So what we do is we take it out of the little buffer tank which would be on the wall so that that 50 litres has enough energy in it to allow the heat pump to clear its coils and then to restart the heating process without affecting the comfort of the house.
heat pumps, energy efficiency, small appliances, home heating, building size, underfloor heating, radiator heating, temperature difference, capacity, COP, most efficient heating, energy load sharing
0 minutes But the other thing is with heat pumps is they're they're sharing the load and the more surface area of exchanger you share the load over, the higher the efficiency. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds So more small appliances produce a higher efficiency result that obviously heats a single home. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds This one here. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds What size building would you be? 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds Would you be heating with this 1-2 hundred 260 square meters of underfloor heating, probably 200 square meters of radiator heating temperature difference, right? 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds So when these units are running at a lower temperature, you get a much higher capacity and COP. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds So efficiency goes up. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds So we can heat it bigger building with underfloor heating just, and just on that point when you want to know what's the most efficient form of heating possible, it's underfloor heating and that's because of temperature.
Space heating, home heating, heating requirements, New Zealand heating, heating options, cost of heating, machine lifespan, South Island heating, gas heating, LPG heating, North Island heating, reticulated gas, wood fires, resistive electric heating, heat pumps, solar heating, energy costs.
0 minutes So let's talk about space heating in our homes. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds How do we heat our homes? 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds Now we have to remember that heating requirements are different in New Zealand, across the country, right up far north, there's less heating requirements compared to where we are down in the South of the South Island of New Zealand where you can tell it's pretty bloody cold at the moment. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds This is what you would call the average household of New Zealand and what the different heating options are and how much they will cost you over 15 years of running the different machines that will heat our homes. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds We do it over 15 years because that's what we expect of these machines to last. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds Now in the South Island of New Zealand, heating with gas, you can tell is a terrible financial decision and you should simply stop doing it right. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds The LPG, those tanks on the side of our use for heating is really, really expensive in the North Island. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds If you have reticulated gas, if you have gas pipe to your homes essentially well, it's a little bit cheaper, but it's not really that much cheaper. 0:59 0 minutes 59 seconds A lot of people love their wood fires keep your wood fire. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds It's significantly cheaper and it's certainly cheaper than resistive electric heating heat pumps. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds While they have a bit more of an upfront cost than say a wood fire, they do save a lot of money over time. 1:14 1 minute 14 seconds And the thing about solar here, putting solar on your home, well in all honesty, we don't hate when the sun is shining. 1:20 1 minute 20 seconds Solar isn't there to save a lot of in a lot of energy costs. 1:23 1 minute 23 seconds When it comes to your heating, that really comes down to the machine that you choose to heat your home.
New Zealand, electrification strategy, climate target, economic argument, cost savings, battery technology, solar power, fossil fuel prices, renewable energy, energy transition, sustainable economy
0 minutes And you can see by the end of this decade, New Zealand be saving 3 or $4 billion a year and by 2040, ten plus billion dollars a year. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds And in fact, if you went all in as a nation on electrification as a strategy, it would help you hit your climate target, which is good. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds You can have a moral argument about that. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds But finally, you don't have to have an economic argument. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds The country would save $95 billion over that period of time. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds And from our experience of doing this modelling the last four years, we've always underestimated the cost reductions that are happening in batteries and solar. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds So the picture, every time we do the math, the math gets better. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds And every time you think the fossil fuel prices are going to stabilize, they get higher and more volatile. 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds And so it might even be a better picture than than this.
Company founding, 2018, 2019, Sea Change, Freight Fish, hydrofoiling boats, ocean freight, car ferries, Apple, Apple Watch, product managers, business structure, harbor ferry operators, enclosed waters, engine usage, sustainable tours, business growth.
When was this company founded? 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds Founded in 2018, 2018, so six years old. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds My forest, my material was founded in two, 2019. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds There you go. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds And it was originally called sea Change, is that right? 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds Originally called freight fish, actually. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds OK, so before I joined the company, it was freight fish. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds It was hydrofoiling boats to move freight across the ocean, yes. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds And then it was sea change and it was car ferries to move people across the ocean. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds And year around that time I joined the company and my background is actually from Apple. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds So I worked on the original Apple Watch. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds It was like super cool. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds The cool part of that experience was getting to work with the product managers there, you know, the folks that are answering the question of why, why does something need to exist? 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds So I joined the company, discuss the space and just like how we wanted to see structure of the business and where we wanted to start. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds And, you know, the two places that were really obvious for us to start in were harbor ferry operators, you know, folks operating on enclosed waters that are turning their boats on at 5:00 AM, turning them off at 10:00 PM. 1:01 1 minute 1 second Yep. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds Never turning the engine off the entire day, thousands of hours a year, replacing their engines every couple of years. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds And sustainable tours from operators. 1:09 1 minute 9 seconds Those are repaired to the company. 1:10 1 minute 10 seconds And now we've found, you know, lots of traction in that space.
sustainability, carbon footprint, resilience, preparedness, grid independence, air quality, cost savings, electric energy, energy source, multiple benefits
0 minutes The other thing that drives me maybe more than most is it's not just the sustainability of the carbon, the cost, it's around resilience. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds And really I think that's for me, the light bulb that's going off in my head is I, I want to be the person a little bit more prepared then then less prepared. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds So for me, not having to specifically worry about that and being semi independent of the grid is really useful for me and my family. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds At times. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds It's hard. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds My mother, yeah, that's when she can't go out in the winter, yeah, in Airtown because of the air quality. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds So there's some other benefits that you probably don't really think about. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds It is really good to be excited by things that have multiple win scenarios. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds Like it's hard to be a logical person and to think, well, I'm helping air quality and I'm helping my own resiliency and I'm ultimately helping the cost savings in my pocket by upfronting and committing to electric as the source of energy. 1:00 1 minute Like there's so many winds out of it. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds I it's kind of a relief.
Wellington, Double Decker Buses, Electric Buses, Bus Efficiency, Energy Consumption, Public Transport, Single Decker Buses, Passenger Capacity, Transport Fleet Management, Vehicle Flexibility.
In Wellington I love riding on those double Decker buses and my five year old literally will just do laps of Wellington in a double Decker electric bus. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds I've always wondered about like the white perspective, are double Decker buses more efficient when they're full of humans than say single Decker buses? 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds Is that what or single Decker, single story? 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds Whatever you would call them normal buses? 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds Double Decker bus consumes roughly 10% more energy than a single deck. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds In some conditions, they consume exactly the same amount. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds No one wants to see empty buses, but also no one wants a full bus showing up at their bus stop and then not being able to get on the bus right. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds So even though it might use a little bit more, 1/2 AA half full double Decker bus is probably preferable to an entirely full Yeah. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds So, so single bus having different sorts of vehicles provide the sort of flexibility to to actually respond as passengers needs. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds And we are in the constant process of looking at our fleet, trying to assess is this the right mix, how we can improve it and what needs to happen to to have those buses up and running.
Josh, Waste Management, Project Engineer, EV Team, Electric Trucks, Battery Packs, 317 Nominal Voltage, Six Phase Motors, Nine Phase Motors, Power Electronics, AC Charging, DC to AC Inverters, Electronic PTOs, Air Compressor, Power Steering, Truck Electrification, Driver Experience, Quiet Ride, Work Environment.
Josh, tell us what your role is in waste management. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds I'm a project engineer here in the EV team. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds Yep, I'm working on the yeah, electric trucks. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds Love to hear from you about the insurance and outs of the trucks and everything that they're doing. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Sure thing. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds Yeah, each side of the truck, there's two relatively big battery packs, a lot bigger than what you'd get in a car. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds Like I said before, each one is 317 nominal voltage. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds From there, just in between the two batteries, we normally have the six phase motors sitting there on the big side loaders. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds We tend to use nine phase just because it needs that extra grunt. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds All the other components in there. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds There will be all your power electronics that are used to convert between AC to DC for charging the batteries. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds We only use AC charging on our trucks. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds And then we also have a lot of inverters that will go from DC to AC to power all our motors, electronic PTOS that we've got air compressor, power steering, the usual stuff you'll find on the car. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds Josh, like it's very all very well and good for the CEO of Waste Management to, you know, electrify trucks and tell all the staff to start using electric trucks, but you're actually making the trucks. 0:59 0 minutes 59 seconds You probably speak to the drivers every day when the CEO is not around. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds What are they saying? 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds A lot of them are pretty hesitant to get in the trucks at 1st and there's a lot of questions around them when they first get in. 1:09 1 minute 9 seconds But once they get into the trucks, they seem to not want to get out. 1:11 1 minute 11 seconds The fact that it's a quiet ride that produces a lot of talk from the get go, they tend to have a lot of fun in these trucks. 1:17 1 minute 17 seconds Yeah. 1:17 1 minute 17 seconds For us, it's also making an environment for the drivers that they want to come to work and want to come to work for, for Waste Management. 1:24 1 minute 24 seconds Part of part of the reason why we're doing this is, you know, you come work for us and drive the best trucks in the country. 1:29 1 minute 29 seconds Yep.
Fossil fuels, Electrification, Electric machines, Global emissions, Energy problem, Waste problems, Industrial processes, Renewable energy, Green technology
0 minutes 3 seconds There are machines in our economy that burn fossil fuels and we need them to stop burning fossil fuels and we don't want to stop all of human activities. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds So what are we going to replace those machines with? 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds This is an argument that we do now replace the machines in our lives with electric machines. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds Global emissions is really an energy problem and in fact probably 75 maybe given the industrial processes will become electric and so we'll waste a lot of the waste problems. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds It's really if maybe the energy problem is about 80% of the problem and we know that probably 90% of that energy problem will be solved through electrification, maybe 95.
Electricity, Electrification, Teamwork, Technology, Practical Decisions, Solar Technology, Queenstown Solar, Think Solar Group, Communication, Reviews, Kilowatts, Tesla Battery.
0 minutes We knew everything was going to be electric. 0:01 0 minutes 1 second And one of the biggest decisions probably is not what you're choosing, but whom you're working with, putting together a team that you believe has the the right values actually, but also the right knowledge in this. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds What's the latest in technology? 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds What's the most practical decisions to be made? 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds So that was one decision. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds This other decision might be around the active solar technology. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds And once again, I we use Queenstown Solar, who's part of Think Solar group, probably one of the best people I've worked with on the whole job because that was such good communicators. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds They really knew their stuff and honestly, their reviews everywhere are spectacular. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds So 11.47 kilowatts, I think it is. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds And then we've got a 13.5 kilowatt Tesla battery.
Basis office, electrification in New Zealand, Basis switchboard, smart panel, consumer sentiment, electrical wholesale channel, democratize product, Energy Information, every New Zealander, smart panel in every building.
We're in the Basis office. 0:01 0 minutes 1 second I've heard a lot about you guys. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds There is such a massive opportunity for electrification in New Zealand. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds Where are you guys actually at in terms of of a business? 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Can I buy a Basis switchboard now or smart panel now? 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds Are you guys going to be around in the next few years to be able to help service it? 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds All the questions that a consumer New Zealand electricity would be asking now is your chance to to tell us sure so absolutely you can buy 1 now and you should Mike this should be one in your farm and one in your home so good jump online and and buy 1 today good. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds We've had awesome consumer sentiment from those who have already pre registered and not just consumers, but a lot of my time has been spent working with some of the biggest developers in New Zealand and the electrical wholesale channel and they really are the unsung heroes of the electrification journey for New Zealand. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds The goal for us is to democratize our product. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds We're not here to be a product just for a subset of people. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds We want to be really enabling the electrification journey and Energy Information for every New Zealander. 0:59 0 minutes 59 seconds So the goal for our product is to have it in every home. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds Our mission statement is a smart panel of in every building of the world.
Residential power, power selling app, power trading, energy deficit, energy surplus, grid management, community battery, energy troubleshooting, energy consciousness, power generation, energy storage, over engineering power, home energy generation, energy utilization, smart storage.
0 minutes I'm a resident of ads here and I can yeah, what what does that app allow me to sell power to my neighbour or how does that. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Yeah, maybe we'll just walk back quickly. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds So on on the island, it'll be sharing. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds There'll be no trading. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds It'll just be, you know, weighing up who's in deficit, who's got surplus and then kind of just we have to firm the grid, which makes it even more difficult. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds We have to have a big kind of community battery that we have to just has to come, you know, kind of make sure everything's. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds Yeah, kind of working well with the intention of once we kind of troubleshoot and hopefully this is some kind of antidote to our issues on the island, It's something that we can maybe put in other areas of the country. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds Those that live in the island are naturally energy conscious or they're kind of they know naturally how to kind of work with kind of intimate generation. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds But one of the things that we really know is that storage is, is, is a huge part of our kind of challenges on the island. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds But also writ large, if you kind of scale into a generation throughout the country, storage is going to be a huge part of that. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds And so it sort of has to be cheap. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds Number one on the island, you have to over engineer to meet your, what your requirements. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds Research we have done is if you have, yeah, depending on the home, of course, you know, good around generation, significant storage, but you can share that surplus. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds There's a real inflection curve around actually utilization. 1:09 1 minute 9 seconds So the second limb of I think, I think you know, what's really important around this transition is storage #1 but it has to be smart.
Electric Boats, Hydrofoiling Tech, Energy Efficiency, High Performance Electric Boats, Boat Batteries, Boat Power, Surface Area, Wavy Water Conditions, Boat Ride Comfort, Commercial Service Boats, Sea Keeping Capabilities
0 minutes Boats, if you think about them, they're basically snow plows. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds You know, imagine roads covered with 30 to 50 centimeters of snow and imagine trying to electrify that. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds It's pretty hard, the only way to make high performance electric boats. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds It's not just about adding more batteries, it's not just about adding more power. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds It's about making them more efficient. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds That's exactly what the hydrofoiling tech does. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds And so all of the efficiency here comes from taking the bow of the boat out of the water and hydrofoiling. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds Yeah, yeah. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds You think about surface area, you've got the surface area, the whole hull when it's in the water, whereas when you get up on the hydrofoils, your surface area has dropped so dramatically compared to the entire hull of the boat. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds Yep. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds And you know, when you consider, you know, the flat water case, that's something. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds But when you consider like the WAVY condition case, when boats are plowing through waves, splashing around, that ends up being super energetically lossful. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds So by getting the boat on top of the waves, you end up being not only more efficient, but more comfortable as well, entirely. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds So this is a 9m boat, this is going to be good. 0:59 0 minutes 59 seconds Doing commercial service to Waikiki, couple trips a day. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds Yep. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds And you think about a normal 9m boat going 25 knots on even half meter seas or something like that, ends up being a pretty rough ride. 1:10 1 minute 10 seconds They got on top of the waves. 1:11 1 minute 11 seconds We actually have a champagne bucket we're installing in the boat and the champagne glasses as well, just because like, it's totally different experience. 1:18 1 minute 18 seconds Yep. 1:18 1 minute 18 seconds And as the boats scale up, you know, we talk about an 18 meter boat, we can talk about increased sea keeping capabilities, you know, going outside the Auckland Harbour, even going down to Stewart Island.
Home renovation, floor heating installation, hot water under floor system, extending heating system, timber joisted floor, lightweight panels, manifold ring, buffer tank, hydraulic separation, hybrid connection, heat pump installation, hybrid tank, heating solutions, cost-effective heating.
0 minutes My wife and I had too many children and now we're going to be installing 2 rooms in our home and this would be the perfect system to extend this as well. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds Because I've always wondered how is it that I extend an existing in slab hot water under the floor hot water system? 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds Yes, you could do that in the way that you do that. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds OK, yeah, got it. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So it can go onto any substrate. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds So it can go onto a timber joisted floor. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds It's very lightweight. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds The panels are about 1200 by 600 and you basically cut them into the floor like a jigsaw puzzle and then you can customize them almost any way you want. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds Interesting. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds And then that could go over a timber floor or a concrete floor, doesn't matter. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds And then you can extend off your manifold ring. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds So the water has got a flow in return into the manifold that's driving your under floor that is coming off this cylinder. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds So that is a buffer tank, not a hot water cylinder, right? 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds Yep. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds So the idea behind the buffer tank is you're providing hydraulic separation. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds So you've got a heating part and then you've got a heat source on the other side. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds And so you're drawing, you're adding heat into the tank and taking it away. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds So that's what we consider a hybrid connection. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds And you could do that with existing systems. 0:57 0 minutes 57 seconds So for example, down in Central Otago with large houses with diesel boilers on them, they might say, well, I can afford to install one heat pump, but not 2. 1:05 1 minute 5 seconds You know, maybe the capital cost is too high. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds So they could put in a HEAT pump where it does a base load of the work and the boiler does the top up and they can be connected into the same buffer tank and that's a hybrid tank which then allows both HEAT sources to work.
New Zealand energy system, electricity costs, kWh pricing, power generation, transmission lines, local distribution lines, metering costs, retail markup, solar power, battery systems, residential solar installation, farm energy solutions, grid power supply, community energy savings.
0 minutes All right, so let's quickly have a look at New Zealand's energy system and how it's broken down and the cost that the customer has to pay. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds Over on the side here we have our generation, that is how much it cost to generate a kWh of electricity. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds On average over the last five years, that's been about 14.6 cents on the wholesale market. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds But that's not what the customer has to pay for. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds They actually have to pay for the delivered cost of electricity, which also includes the cost of the transmission lines. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds That's the big power cables that run up and down from the country, the local distribution lines, which are all the small power cables that are running around our roads and our streets. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds Plus they have to pay for their metering, a bunch of retail markup, a few other bits and bobs, and we end up paying $0.34 per kWh by the time you get it to the customer. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds And what we've been arguing, of course is that actually the cost of solar at 6.2 cents, and the cost is put it in the battery at 22 and a half cents, it actually makes it comparable now for households to start looking at putting solar and battery systems into their homes. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds But the real opportunity in New Zealand is really on the 50,000 farms that we have in New Zealand. 1:08 1 minute 8 seconds Because we have larger buying power, we can actually get these prices even cheaper. 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds Not only can we save money on our own energy costs on farm, but how we can also generate revenue for our farm by pushing power back to the grid. 1:21 1 minute 21 seconds Far, far cheaper prices for our community than what the current energy system is providing.
New Zealand, A50 kilowatt charger, electric vehicle charging, 300 kilowatt charger, EV infrastructure, public charging, home charging, Auckland, EV adoption, Kona, Hyundai, EV curious, EV skeptic, energy generators, network companies.
0 minutes So what you find out in a lot of New Zealand now, we've got over 200 sites, they have A50 kilowatt charger. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds It's kind of the workhorse. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Our first one was up at Kiwoka and we've gone back to that area and we've put in now a new sort of install rate of charges and 300 kilowatt charges. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds We've really upgraded. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds So a lot of our in store sites now 150 kilowatt charges or 300 kilowatt charges. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds And on Friday we trot off down to Taronga to open New Zealand's largest site, 5 * 300 kilowatt charges pulled through with a Kappa bag or trailers. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds And the key is getting that infrastructure in the ground before it's needed. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds So a lot of Jibba Jibba at the moment about is there enough electricity? 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds Can the, can the system take the demand of EV's? 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds And the cool thing about public charging is it supplements you're at home charging. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds It's for when you're out and about. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds And we've done some surveying of people out in New Zealand and over 50% of the people in Auckland are thinking about maybe buying an EV in the next three years. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds Now that doesn't have to be a brand spanking new EV. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds That could be an EV that's come out of fleet service like a Kona or a Hyundai, a really good workhorse car. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds I think for me, the key thing is if you're EV curious is to get out and try it. 1:05 1 minute 5 seconds If you're an EV skeptic, work out what's getting in the way because I see a lot of conversation at the moment around how hard it's going to be, and I look at it from the other way around. 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds These are all known steps we can take together with network companies, with energy generators, with end users. 1:20 1 minute 20 seconds So there's like no new human knowledge that needs to be created.
Energy Crisis, Energy Efficiency, Smaller Houses, Energy Policy, Household Energy Use, Electric Vehicles, Heat Pumps, Renewable Energy, Fossil Fuels, Energy Reduction, Energy Savings
Since the 1970s, we had an energy crisis. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds The answer was efficiency. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds We all lived in slightly smaller, slightly colder houses, and we drove less and smaller cars. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds We'd be slightly less ******. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds Might be the way that you would summarize 50 years of energy policy in the West. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds And you can see with all the efficiency. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds So if you double the efficiency of your house, you go from needing 85 kilowatt hours per day for all of your household energy uses to that 83. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds And that's because the majority of energy use in the house is actually your vehicles. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds That big Gray block there, and the only thing that the efficiency really does is that little red block at the bottom, which is your space heating. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds So driving an electric car powered by renewables use about 1/4 of the energy of a petrol car. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds Using a heat pump to heat your water, heat pump to heat your home, use about 1/4 of the energy of doing it with fossil fuels. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds And so without really any of the traditional efficiency things, we're going all electric. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds You get this huge energy reduction to only about 25 kilowatt hours per day per household. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds And that drives even better news that these machines can save us money.
Hot water heat pump, economic heating, resistive electric heating, LPG heating, gas heating, hydraulic heat pumps, air water heat pumps, heat transfer, underfloor heating, radiator systems, fan coils, fan powered heating, copper coil, heating and cooling, rapid heating, ducted unit, ceiling space heating, plenums, flexible ducts, air based heating system.
0 minutes Can you take time to explain to us how a hot water heat pump works and why they are considerably more economic than other forms of heating, say resistive electric or LPG or gas or or something like that? 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds So hydraulic heat pumps or air water heat pumps, their output is water. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds So and water is an incredibly good mechanism for transferring heat. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds So water transferred heat at four times the rate of air. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds So from a distribution mechanism point of view, it's much more efficient to move heat around a building with water than it is with air, right? 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds So with the units that we do, we can send water to underfloor heating, we can send water to radiator systems, we can also send water to fan coils. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds So that can give you conviction. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds So that would be a fan powered which is right above me. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds So this is and one of these here. 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds So this is a fan coil. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds So what's inside here is a big copper coil with water running through it. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds We can make that hot water or cold water. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds So we can do heating or cooling, but the output is convicted air. 0:59 0 minutes 59 seconds So that means we can get very rapid heating and cooling of a space. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds And so we can use these and this is basically a ducted unit. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds So that would typically be recessed up into a ceiling space. 1:09 1 minute 9 seconds We would put some plenums on it and then go to flexible ducts, which then you would have diffuses in the ceiling, right? 1:14 1 minute 14 seconds Yeah, yeah. 1:15 1 minute 15 seconds So we can do exactly the same thing as a as an air based heating system, but the transfer medium for the energy is water.
Energy system, Low cost energy, Rooftop solar, Network costs, Community power, Transmission, Power balance, Distributed power, Small scale power, Permitting and approval periods, Shovel ready, Climate change, Emissions reduction.
0 minutes But the cheapest, and I just have to say this over and over and over, if you now again, we are not **** economicus as Paul will attest, but if we were designing a lowest cost energy system that delivered the lowest cost of energy to everyone, including industry and consumers, you'd first maximize the rooftop solar because you'll eliminate all the network costs. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds You'd then maximize community because you get rid of you. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds You don't need all the big transmission. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds And then you'd get your balance from your big stuff. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds You may still need 50% of your power coming through, big stuff, whatnot, but that would be the lowest cost system. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds And right now I'm most excited about the distributed and the small because it can all go Today doesn't require long permitting and approval periods, so it's like it's shovel ready, to use Obama's parlance. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds This isn't the only good climate idea you need, but it's the one you can do right now. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds And you need emissions reductions right now.
garage, check engine, diesel boilers, heat exchangers, condensation, corrosion, heat pumps, inverter, output modulation, kilowatt, electricity consumption, heating output, misunderstood technology, international standard, air temperature, water temperature
You'd be in the garage and he goes, yeah, like a check engine. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds That's right. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Diesel boilers minimum flow temperature is 60� because they have steel and heat exchangers. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds They can't deal with low return temperatures because it creates condensation within, creates corrosion inside them. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So they need to stay really hot. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds The second thing is they don't modulate, so they are on or off. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds What the heat pumps do is they're an inverter. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds What that means is they modulate their output. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds So most heat pumps can, this is not unique to ours, but they can modulate down to about 25% of their output. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds So if you say I've got a 10 kilowatt heat pump, well, it can be a 2 1/2 kilowatt heat pump to A10 kilowatt heat pump or anything in between. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds And I've always wondered, like the the stickers on the label, is that the electricity consumption in terms of kilowatts or is it the heating output in terms of kilowatts? 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds Yeah, Yeah, really good question. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds So it's a really misunderstood part of heat pump technology is what does the numbers mean? 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds Well, they're actually kind of meaningless. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds OK. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds So most heat pumps have a rating. 0:58 0 minutes 58 seconds The typical, the standard, the international standard for rating a heat pump is at 7� outside air temperature and 35� water temperature. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds So it's just a standard that allows people to put a number on the heat pump in terms of what its output is. 1:11 1 minute 11 seconds And typically what you're getting is it's that's it's kilowatt output at that combination of air and water temperature, because it's only air and water temperature that defines the output of a heat pump.
New Zealand, commercial electric hydrofoiling vessel, electric history, oldest transmission line, electric home, electric streetlights, pioneering hydrofoiling, Team New Zealand, 2013 America's Cup, hydrofoiling innovation, commercial hydrofoiling boat, profitable vessel, premium tourism services, Auckland.
0 minutes Is this the first one that is being like put on the water here in New Zealand at a commercial level? 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds This is going to be the first electric hydrofoiling vessel that will be introduced into commercial service with a private operator anywhere in the world. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds Wow, OK, that that is cool. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So again, this is an example of like New Zealand has some of the most amazing electrical history around. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds We're the second oldest transmission line in the world. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds We had the world's first ever fully electric home. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds We have the second oldest electric St. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds lights, public St. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds lights in the world. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds It's just some amazing things. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds And now you guys are pioneering in this space where this will be the first commercial hydrofoiling boat by a private operator. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds That is just incredible. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds And you know, like, aside from like the electric history of it too. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds You know, modern day hydrofoiling was introduced to the world by Team New Zealand in the 2013 America's Cup. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds Hydrofoiling wasn't officially part of the rules. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds And then as soon as the photo leaked online of Team New Zealand's AC 72 on hydrofoils, people didn't think it was real. 0:59 0 minutes 59 seconds I thought it was photo shops. 1:00 1 minute They couldn't imagine. 1:01 1 minute 1 second Oh, yeah. 1:01 1 minute 1 second Now we have sailboats that go three times faster than the wind. 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds And it forced the world to adapt. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds Now what we're seeing are the echoes of that out there in the world. 1:10 1 minute 10 seconds But just in terms of like commercialization, you know, this vessel is going to be a commercial vessel. 1:15 1 minute 15 seconds It's going to be profitable. 1:16 1 minute 16 seconds You're going to have a fairly rapid payback. 1:18 1 minute 18 seconds Delivering premium tourism services services within Auckland.
Electrification, Behaviour Change, Economic Options, Symmetrical Rights, Sustainability, Energy Conservation, Climate Change, Green Energy, Renewable Energy, Environment, Energy Economics
0 minutes Actively, if we had symmetrical rights, people would be turning on and off stuff because they can make money. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds And so actively it will change behaviour, which is ultimately what humanity needs. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds To get ourselves, dig ourselves out of this deep hole that we're in, We we actually need behaviour change, as well as great physics and economic options around electrification. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds But we do need behaviour change.
Rewiring America, White House, IRA launch, climate policy, climate spending, electrification, tax concessions, electric car discount, private capital, government capital, trillion dollar spending
0 minutes Just to reflect on rewiring America, I end up getting a fist bump, this guy for all of a second and a half on the White House lawn, the launch of the IRA. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds But I want to just reflect quickly on the IRA. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds This was how they gauge the the policy when it launched $369 billion in spending on climate. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds The great majority, about 320 billion on electrification. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds But in fact, it hides the fact that a much, much larger amount of money was going to be done. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds So there are tax concessions. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds Give someone three and a half, $1000 discount on electric car. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds With the tax concession, they have to spend $30,000 to getting $10.00 of private capital for each dollar of government capital. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds So actually that 369 billion was going to move to trillion.
Electrification, Smart Panel, Safety Features, Electricity Retailers, Solar Systems, New Zealand, Australia, ROI Analysis, Digital App, Energy Footprint, Electrician, Installation Costs
0 minutes In today's world, you have this complicated group of switches and other sorts of devices, unnecessary safety features? 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds Check metering. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds Electricity retailers have all these requirements. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds The smart panel prefabricates and streamlines all of that into one simple circuit, so everything's there for you. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds New Zealand only has 2 1/2% installed base of solar systems, whereas other countries like Australia are upwards of 40%. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds We see the opportunity to use the smart panel as the base to expand and accelerate the adoption of those technologies. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds Within the digital app. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds You'll get real time ROI analysis of what's the right solar and battery system for my home based on my unique energy footprint. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds You'll be connected into your electrician who can lower the costs of installation and then come round and and whack that and if it makes makes sense for you.
Electric Boating, New Zealand, Meridian Ferry, Hydrofoiling Boat, Marine Propulsion, Sustainable Marine Technology, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Energy Storage, Energy Reduction
Electric boating starting in New Zealand, like I've heard about the Meridian with their ferry down South. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds Is that very similar to this boat or is that? 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds Yeah. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds So that's like another hydrofoiling boat. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Yeah. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds Today in the world, there are 33 million boats overall, and there are less than 100 vessels like this, right, Electric hydrofoiling vessels. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds But this technology, it's actually the most performance sustainable marine propulsion in the world. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds And so for that reason, I think, you know, we're obviously going to see the space grow significantly because like you don't just ignore 3 to 5X efficiency gains. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds Even if you had a way to store the energy on board, you know, being more sustainable isn't just about finding options where something could be sustainable. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds It's about finding ways that to reduce energy as well. 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds Yes.
New Zealand farms, renewable energy, solar system, energy costs, grid electricity, electricity generation, power back to grid, renewable electricity, energy system change, local energy distribution, electricity price reduction.
But the real opportunity in New Zealand is really on the 50,000 farms that we have in New Zealand, because we have larger buying power than a residential home does, we can actually get these prices even cheaper, save money on our own energy costs on farm, How we can also generate revenue for our farm by pushing power back to the grid at far, far cheaper prices for our community than what the current energy system is providing of every farm. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds Like my farm installed a mid range solar system, we would generate a huge amount of electricity. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds The New Zealand government says they want two times the renewable electricity on the grid. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds They signed up for cops saying we need three times the renewable electricity on the grid. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds Well, if the 50,000 farms in New Zealand all put the same sort of level of solar that I have on my farm, collectively would we would generate another 70% of the electricity that we need. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds So more the majority of the doubling of renewable electricity on the grid could come from farms in a way that makes those farms more money while making the electricity price cheaper for the rest of New Zealand. 1:11 1 minute 11 seconds When a farm pushes back to the local community, there's definitely no costs of distribution, national distribution lines involved. 1:18 1 minute 18 seconds And of course, when they push back to the local community, there is only a fraction of the distribution network that would be involved as well. 1:24 1 minute 24 seconds So a real opportunity if we change the energy system to figure out how to bring the cost of electricity down.
Electrical Panel, Switchboard, Smart Panel, Home Electrification, Energy Insights, EV Charger, Solar System, Prototype, R&D, Safety Devices, Fire Protection, Electricity Costs, Energy Savings, Electrical Use Insights, EV Technology, Solar Technology, Battery Technology
0 minutes You will recognize this type of electrical panel in your home. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds It looks just like my switchboard. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds Yep, perfect. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Costs about 2 1/2 grand to get installed. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds What you won't recognize what it is. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds This is the future. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds This is a smart panel. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds This is our kind of Gen. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds 1 smart panel that we'll be shipping early next year. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds And I guess to conceptualize it, it takes $30,000 worth of devices, control devices, safety of devices, energy insights devices and it puts them into a much six year looking product at a price point that's far more affordable for customers. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds Power lights are coming through. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds Here's an EV charger which has been installed all the way down to a solar system, which is installed down the bottom. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds This right here is the wonderful pulled apart initial prototype that we made. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds And if you work your way along this wonderful wall, you can see all of the four years of R&D progress that's gone into our smart panel. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds Everyone should have a basis panel. 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds And the reason that everyone should have a basis panel is everyone deserves a safer home, everyone deserves improvements in electrocution, electrical, Fire Protection. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds Everyone deserves to save money on their electricity costs and everyone deserves to have a system that can deliver those cost affordably. 1:10 1 minute 10 seconds And I think that's what our product does. 1:12 1 minute 12 seconds It allows you for the first time ever to see insights and information into your electrical use. 1:16 1 minute 16 seconds Most people in New Zealand have no idea where and how they spend the energy. 1:20 1 minute 20 seconds This gives you not only the information, but the ability to control that and make decisions about what's best for your future in terms of using EV technology, solar and battery technology as well.
Electrification, Farming, Eka, Isis Ventures, VC Fund, Auckland, New Zealand Business, New Zealand Manufacturing, Steven Tindall, Philanthropy, Net 0 Maritime, Foliage 360, Ferry Companies, Electric Vessels, Auckland Innovation
0 minutes It looks like you've had some awesome support here from a few different entities. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds Obviously me with my farm, I've been working pretty heavily with Eka on some of the stuff that we've been doing with electrification, Isis Ventures. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds So that's a VC fund based up here in Auckland full of mainly New Zealand based LPS. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds Is that right? 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds They're pretty international. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds Like you look at like their nominee program, you know, it's a pretty international sort of like group people. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds Yeah, but you're it's awesome that they are supporting New Zealand businesses and New Zealand manufacturing, right, Like that's that's yeah. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds And obviously the office, the office of Steven Tindall. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds Yep, Yep, Yep. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds He's also one of the not through K1 W one, but he's one of our philanthropic funders to support rewiring out at all. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds So that's pretty cool. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds What's net 0 maritime? 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds Foliage 360 actually has a new group, the company called Net 0 Maritime Fuller St. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds 60 is actually one of the most innovative ferry companies in the world, right? 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds They've already adopted multiple electric vessels. 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds And what they've realized is that that innovation that they're brewing right here in Auckland was other cities around the world that are asking for the same how to and the same information. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds So Ned Zare Maritime's all about taking the learnings that have taken place here in Auckland and taking that to the world. 1:08 1 minute 8 seconds Yep, very cool.
Community Electrification, Shared Power Grid, Island Power Sharing, Community Power Solutions, Troubleshooting Power Issues, Shared Resources, Community Cooperation, Electricity Grid, Maori Concepts, Power Access, Water Access, Island Living, Shared Electricity Line
I think what is analogous to the idea of sharing electricity and so on the island anyway, is that there, there is one line that kind of carries water and we're thinking about everyone can tag onto the line. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds And when there's an issue, if it gets blocked, the community rallies around how to actually fix that issue. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So there's a bit of like a water access, but we all tap into a big line that runs against the like the backbone of the of the houses there. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds And as I say, yeah, if there's an issue, we all try to figure out what's happening. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds It's the community has to kind of rally around how you kind of troubleshoot and and figure out what's going wrong. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds And I mean, in some ways we are also thinking about the grid acting in that, in that fashion. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds So running, I mean as you would the kind of the bust line against that backbone. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds You know what's really interesting, we had some of our family through here the other day. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds They're really excited to be a part of this. 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds There is a practice around, you know, if you go out for a fish, you've got surplus, you share that. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds And in some ways this is kind of a representation of, of all of that concept, which is like super Tutu Maori, which is kind of embedded within the corpus of thinking for Maori. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds And it's, it's, it's almost, you know, you don't really think about, you know, when you do these things. 1:10 1 minute 10 seconds It's just out of practice. 1:12 1 minute 12 seconds Yeah.
Electrification, Repowers, Gas Boilers, Diesel Replacement, R290 High Temperature Heat Pumps, Refrigerant Grade Propane, Hydraulic Monoblocks, Hot Water Output, Cold Water Output, Boiler Connection
0 minutes 90% of the projects we're doing, we are doing complete repowers. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds So we're removing gas boilers, removing diesel and replacing them with what is called an R290 high temperature heat pumps. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds R290 is refrigerant grade propane. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds That's the refrigerant that the heat pump runs on and they're hydraulic monoblocks, which means they all the refrigerants in the outside unit. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds And so the output of the unit is hot or cold water, so it connects into the system exactly the same way the boiler did. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds Gotcha.
Energy Usage, Peak Energy, Winter Energy Consumption, Summer Energy Consumption, Electric Grid, Battery Power, Load Shifting, Energy Optimization, Carbon Footprint, Energy Costs
0 minutes 5% of my energy is used during peak and that's the whole of winter. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds What's it going to be for summer? 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds If you say, well, the, the, the electric people are disproportionately leaning on the grid, I defy that. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds That's completely incorrect. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds And anyone particularly with a battery like particularly batteries and the load shifting capability that changes the way in which you will optimize yourself and your costs and your carbon again.
Electricity bills, cost-saving, electric cars, electric bikes, energy efficiency, zero-cost maintenance, fuel vs electricity cost, sustainable living, Queenstown electricity costs, annual electricity costs, zero energy bills.
If you think about your bills, your maintenance for your cars and all of your running costs, mechanical as well as the petrol, diesel, and then you've got your gas bill and your electric bill and you add that all up, obviously that's compared to literally one bill for me. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds And my one bill for August in Queenstown was $380.00. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds I think it was $380.00. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds That's for the lot. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds That's a lot burger, that's everything. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds That's two cars running back and forth to town doing pickups, all that sort of stuff, electric bikes, etcetera. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds And so it's just one thing to think about. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds And cumulatively over 365, I still estimate, time will tell. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds I still estimate that my bill will be $0.00 for the whole year.
heat pump, high temperature technology, gas radiator, water based radiator, hot water heat pump, boiler systems, home electrification, energy efficiency, sustainable heating, residential heating systems, water piping, property inspection, floor heating
0 minutes I looked at this in a home right now, I'd be like, that looks like a gas radiator. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds Yeah. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds Well, it's, well, it's a, it's a water based radiator. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds So typically they would have been heated. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds The water would have been heated by gas. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Yes. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds We can do exactly the same thing with the heat pump now with the new high temperature technology. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds And could people keep their existing radiators and existing water piping? 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds Yeah, yeah. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds It literally is taking off the gas furnace and putting on a hot water heat pump basically within reason. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds It's always a good idea to have a good look at the property. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds So we're generally running the systems around about 65� flow temperature, which is a little bit lower than what a boiler can produce. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds But most boiler systems and radiators in the boiler systems are quite oversized. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds So we haven't really come across a job yet where we couldn't put the heat pump on it and get a good result. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds And I noticed that actually because like we put a heat pump on into my and floor heating and it doesn't run as hot. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds But in actual fact, that's quite good because it runs for a really comfortable temperature.
Electricity price, Gas price, Energy market, Heat pump cost effectiveness, Gas heating, Self-generated energy, Rooftop solar energy, Domestic hot water heating, Heat pump technology, Solar generation.
0 minutes There's always been a sort of a step, a standard gap between the electricity price and the gas price. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds They always move together. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds They've been artificially tied together for decades. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds Now we're starting to see a shift where the gas price is starting to close the gap and it's going to continue to do that. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds And as it does, the heat pump becomes more and more cost effective. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds And of course, the one big thing in all of this is, you know, I like gas as a as a heating source can be, you know, quite economical. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds But the issue is you cannot, you cannot create that gas yourself very easily. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds And one of the big things that we're seeing and water heating in particular, is the ability to generate your own energy on the rooftop and using that as part of your heating heating process as well. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds As soon as you start to do that, of course, your gas is not competitive with electricity in your own. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds Yeah, that's right. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds So when it comes to specifically domestic hot water heating, which is where a lot of heat pump technology is now being aimed. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds So this is the water you shower with that has massive potential for offsetting through solar generation and that sort of thing, Yeah.
In slab heating, Kiwi construction, thermal mass, energy consumption, European heating methods, insulation layer, concrete screed, room by room heating, controllable heating system
0 minutes So in slab heating, which is heating pipe with the having the pipe in the concrete is actually very much a Kiwi thing. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Yeah, it's not really done anywhere else. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds OK, well, interesting. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds And a lot of people, you know, who do this sort of heating and say Europe and, and the United States would think putting pipe in your construction slab is stupid, which it is, because you're heating an enormous amount of concrete and that that thermal mass is incredibly difficult to lift in temperature and move the temperature off. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds So it's not responsive and it is it sucks up an enormous amount of energy. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds Interesting. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds So in Europe, what they do is they lay a construction slab, they put an insulation layer down and then they clip the pipe to the insulation and then they pour a concrete screed over the top, right? 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds So they end up with separation between the the slab and the and the flooring. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds And then they do that by room by room. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds So there's no connection between the individual rooms either. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds So you get a much more controllable system.
Heat pump, electricity generation, energy absorption, environmental energy, kilowatt hour, electrical load, evaporator, compressor, condenser, expansion valve, high grade heat, low grade heat, heating system, internal exchanger, water circuit
Heat pumps are amazing technology, but they're complicated. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds Can you just take us through really quickly and explain how a heat pump actually works? 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds So what we've got here is your electricity generation sector. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds So this is where our mains power is coming from, and we're using about one kilowatt per one kWh, which is one kilowatt every hour of electricity to run our heat pump, right? 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds So that's the electrical load into the heat pump. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds This part here is the energy it's absorbing from the environment because of the temperature difference of the refrigerant to the outside idea. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds So for every one kWh that's going to run the appliance, about 3 kilowatt hours is being absorbed from the environment and combined into that electrical input, which then turns into 4 kilowatts of heat. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds So what we're looking at here is the inside of the heat pump. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds So this is the process at which it works. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds So you've got four major components. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds You've got an evaporator, a compressor, a condenser, and an expansion valve. 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds So it's going and it's releasing its heat into that fluid because that fluid is so much. 1:00 1 minute So we're taking quite a lot of low grade heat, compressing it down and producing a small amount of high grade heat that we then use to heat the water circuit. 1:08 1 minute 8 seconds So this is our internal exchanger. 1:10 1 minute 10 seconds So we've got water coming from the heating system, coming back from the heating system here. 1:14 1 minute 14 seconds It's going across this exchanger, picking up this heat and then going back into the circuit.
Electrification, Decarbonization, Emissions Reduction, Electric Fleet, ESG, Environment, Infrastructure, Advice, Middle Management, Business Change, Sustainability, Green Energy, Diesel Reduction.
0 minutes What is your advice? 0:01 0 minutes 1 second There is a lot of people that will say one, well maybe it can't be done or they're reluctant to start because everything looks too difficult. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds What is your piece of advice for someone at home, someone who is maybe a middle management within their business about how it is that they can start to and change things or electrify things? 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds Yeah. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds Well, I think for us it was understanding the data that we had and understanding where our emissions were. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds So we went through a big exercise of understanding our where our emissions were and diesel 80%. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds Yep. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds So the biggest impact we can have in our business is to reduce, decarbonize our fleet. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds And so that's the path we went on. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds A key piece of advice, don't wait. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds Get into it. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds Yep. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds Start, start small, but get into it. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds Yep. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds How's your board responding to what it does that you're very, very supportive? 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds So we're owned by an infrastructure fund called igneo Infrastructure Partners. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds And so they're very much into that ESG space and the E is environment. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds So again, this is really positive for the environment. 0:58 0 minutes 58 seconds It's great, great story to be told around the whole world.
New Zealand, climate action, renewable resources, hydro power, Australia, sunshine energy, macroeconomic story, policymakers, international relations, leadership, political perspective, electrification.
0 minutes New Zealand is in my perspective because I've lived in America for the last 20 years and recently in Australia. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Politically, I think Spot, you might think it's all difficult here, but it's more difficult elsewhere. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds And I think you have a really good argument here to be a, to come from behind, to be a big leader on climate action. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds And it's places like New Zealand that have incredible renewable resources, including your hydro, that give you a big advantage. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds In Australia, our advantage is sunshine. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds Here it's your hydro. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds But as smaller nations where the macroeconomic story is flipped, like I've said, I think it's now our turn to show the world how to do it. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds And so I'm going to give you all a bit of a nudge. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds Get out there and push your policymakers because you can make something. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds Thanks very much.
New Zealand electricity costs, solar power, kWh cost, solar system lifetime, solar panel consumption, energy financing, battery storage cost, home energy generation, National Grid comparison, zero delivery cost, rooftop power generation, electric vehicle charging
0 minutes On average in New Zealand, we are now paying 30-4 cents or 33.9 cents per kWh for electricity. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds When you actually spread the cost of the solar system over its expected lifetime of 25 years, it's only going to be costing you 6.2 cents for every kWh you consume off that solar panel. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds Or if you finance it at five 5%, about 11 and a half cents per kWh. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds If you look down here at batteries, it's about 22.6 cents to put that unit of energy or that kWh of energy into a battery and take it back out again at a later place. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds So what we're finding is without finance, it is actually now cheaper in New Zealand for you to generate a kWh on your own rooftop and store in a battery than it is to buy it from the National Grid. 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds And that's because you're generating it where you're going to use it. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds There are 0 delivery costs associated with the power that you generate on your on your roof that goes into your fridge or into your hot water cylinder or into your electric vehicle.
Electrification, New Zealand, American Policy, Australian Policy, Rooftop Solar, EV Policy, Norway, California, New York, Gas Transition, WA, Global Energy Policies, Best Practices in Electrification.
0 minutes No one's doing this right anyway. 0:01 0 minutes 1 second Everyone asked when I'm in New Zealand, they say, so were the Americans doing this right? 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds And they asked if the Australians doing it right. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds Like, no. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds Australia got rooftop solar policy really good. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Norway did excellent EV policy. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds California's doing some interesting things. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds New York's doing some interesting things. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds WA's leading on gas transition. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds You've got to look everywhere and there's still substantial opportunity to be the best in the world by just honestly collecting the best pieces and putting it together.
New Zealand emissions, agriculture emissions, dairy product emissions, meat product emissions, electric cows, emission reductions, domestic economy emissions, climate targets, electric machines, energy efficiency, energy policy, household energy use, vehicle energy use, space heating.
New Zealand emissions are a little bit of unique. 0:01 0 minutes 1 second You're very heavy on agriculture, so that's your that's your dairy product and meat product exports. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds We don't have all electric cows cheap yet. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds So we're going to say this is reason to emphasize giving the emission reductions we can now so that hopefully the technologies and solutions on that side will solve themselves and of your domestic economy, 31% of the emissions are decisions made around your kitchen tables. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds That's what you drive, how you eat, your home, where you get your electricity from, and we're going to focus on those as near term emission reductions. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds You can hit down, hit our climate targets. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds Bad news is a lot of work to do. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds Good news is these electric machines are super efficient. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds Since the 1970s we had an energy crisis and the answer was efficiency. 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds We all lived in slightly smaller, slightly colder houses and we drove less and smaller cars. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds We'd be slightly less ******. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds Might be the way that you would summarize 50 years of energy policy in the West. 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds And you can see with all the efficiency. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds So if you double the efficiency of your house, you go from needing 85 kilowatt hours per day for all of your household energy uses to that 83. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds And that's because the majority of energy use in the house is actually your vehicles, that big Gray block there. 1:09 1 minute 9 seconds And the only thing that the efficiency really does is that little red block at the bottom, which is your space heating.
Power bill breakdown, cost of electricity generation, national transmission costs, electricity distribution costs, retail electricity costs, kWh pricing, solar energy costs, rooftop solar benefits, solar vs grid electricity, solar panel financing, energy saving tips, sustainable energy solutions.
The make up of the power bill, right, We have the cost of generation. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds We also have the cost of national transmission. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds We have the cost of distribution. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds We have the cost of retailing, the cost of measuring and some other stuff that they like to throw in there as well, which means we're paying about 30-4 cents per kWh. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds You compare that to solar. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds If you buy solar and put that on your roof, you're paying 6.2 cents a kWh. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds And if you cycle that through a battery, you're paying 22.6 cents per kWh. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds So a remarkable situation we find ourselves in. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds If you want to look at it a slightly different way, this is how much it costs us for grid electricity delivered to our home. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds This is how much it costs in terms of volume of electricity. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds This is actually how much it costs with rooftop solar. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds And if you finance rooftop solar, it's going to cost you about $0.12. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds This really is a pretty good example of why you should put solar on your roof tomorrow, because even when you finance it at market interest rates, you're going to be paying considerably less than what you can currently get it from the grid.
Electric vehicle, emissions free, off road electric vehicle, 24 seater electric bus, electric bus range, electricity consumption, electric vehicle charging, overnight charging, wilderness tour, World Heritage area, sustainable travel.
0 minutes The project is all about taking people on their wilderness walk to the World Heritage area in an emissions free vehicle and and this has just got such a good feel to it. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds The story of getting introduced to the people try to run a project for an off road electric vehicle and that's what we've got here. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds So the bus is a 24 seater, it's fully electric. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds So I went to the root burn. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds This is supposed to have a 340 range root burn from here and back again is 140 odd K and I did it on half a tank of electricity. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds So yes, though they're within that and the Glenorchy Rd. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds is brutal driving these things. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds On the Glenorchy Rd. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds we use quite a lot of electricity that because I was just poutling along and not trying to be a racing driver around the corners. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds It was absolutely perfect and didn't use much electricity charging it. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds We're just fitting a overnight charger because you got to have quite a lot of electricity that Ford Volts to charge the things. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds So we can just do a trickle charge on this which will be great for overnight about 7-8 hours. 1:08 1 minute 8 seconds Should get it from 20% to 100% overnight.
house electrification, Central Otago, cherry farm, diesel underfloor heating, LPG hot water, heat pump solution, hydronic manifold, water circulation system, overlay floor, high density polystyrene pad, aluminium conduction plate, retrofit heating system, floor covering options, tile carpet timber flooring
0 minutes My experience is I bought a house that was built in 2008 in Central Otago on my cherry farm. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds It was heated with diesel underfloor heating and the hot water was all LPG bottles on the side of the house. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds Bought a hot water heat pump solution and it actually did both. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds And the reason I ask is this is the underfloor heating system that you have here. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds Talk us through it because this looks very familiar to what I installed. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds Tell us about this and how how this works and, and how it can obviously mean that people can continue to run their underfloor heating without costing an arm and a leaf, right? 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds OK, well so this is a hydronic manifold, so hydronic meaning water. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds So we're just distributing a closed loop of water circulating in the round in the system. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds In this particular setup, we've got what's called an overlay floor. 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds So this is instead of embedding the pipe and the concrete, it's actually sitting in a in a high density polystyrene pad with an aluminium cover over it, which gives its conduction plate. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds So you can retrofit it into existing, Huh. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds Yes, exactly. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds Yeah, yeah, yeah. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds So it's about 25 mil thick. 0:58 0 minutes 58 seconds And then you can put any floor covering you like over the top of it. 1:02 1 minute 2 seconds So tile, carpet, timber and doesn't require a screed. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds So it's a solid board that holds interesting Python.
underfloor heating, efficient heating, temperature, heat exchange, high efficiency, apartment buildings, Sydney, heat pump, watts per square meter, large apartments, space limitations, larger model, heating horsepower
0 minutes When you want to know what's the most efficient form of heating possible, it's underfloor heating. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds Yes, and that's because of temperature. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds So the underfloor heating runs on the lowest possible temperature, and that's because you've got a huge exchanger area. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds So large surface area run at a small temperature, we can produce very high efficiency. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds Interesting. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds Yeah. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds Apartment buildings come in all different sizes, but let's just say when I was living in Sydney, there was, I don't know, maybe 50 apartments in a single building. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds What sort of heat pump? 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds How many hit those would you be? 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds Well, it's all based on the watts per square meter of each one of those units. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds So obviously if we're going to heat like a 260 square meter house, maybe we could divide that into four apartments essentially. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds So one appliance per four apartments possibly. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds And then you bank them up basically on as far as you need to go to achieve that. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds What you end up reaching the limit of is space. 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds So once you read each those space limitations, we need to step up to a larger model where we can get more horsepower of a smaller footprint.
Vesiv, New Zealand, manufacturing, boat building, history, America's Cup, advanced boat building, commercial aviation, Asian settlers, European settlers, industry.
0 minutes Vesiv is a is a company in New Zealand that New Zealanders should be incredibly proud of. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Tell us the history of how this all, how this all started. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds I mean, you know, there probably isn't that much manufacturing in New Zealand, but if anything is being manufactured in New Zealand, it is boats. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds Yeah, just because you look at the history of New Zealand and if you got here before the year 1940, before commercial aviation, you probably got here by boat even, you know, whether you're a first Asians person or European settler. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds And so, you know, there's this like great tradition of not just boat building in New Zealand, but advanced boat building. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds You know, that's what we saw with the America's Cup, and that's what we're seeing today. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds And so there's a really cool industry that's really quite effective. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds Yeah, here in New Zealand.
Heat pump, energy efficiency, refrigerant, thermodynamics, environmental heat absorption, energy transfer, high grade heat, low grade heat, electrification, energy creation
0 minutes The energy that a heat pump uses isn't to create the heat, it is to move the refrigerant around and run the fan. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds And the heat is created from exposing the refrigerant to the outside environment, correct? 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds Wow, that is. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds So what you're essentially doing is, is you're transferring energy from the outside to the inside of the house. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds And you're doing that by taking a large amount of low grade heat and concentrating it down to a small amount of high grade heat, which then becomes your input into your water. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds And the efficiency advantage is generated based on that law of thermodynamics, just absorption of heat from the environment. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds It's quite incredible, right? 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds Because we know one of the big things that we talk about with electrification is just energy efficiency, right? 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds And this is like beyond energy efficiency to actually just creating energy with the existing environmental condition.
Entrepreneur, Health Products Business, Health, Skin Care Products, Business Investment, Renewable Energy, Arako Maori, Oromoa Maori, Natural Advantages, Research, Global Interests, Product Production
0 minutes You as an entrepreneur run a really successful health products business, right, Which is what's it called? 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds I'll say health, I'll say health. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds And that is everything from. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds So I've used, I've used some of the products that you get. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Oh, OK. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Yeah, the skin care stuff. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds Yeah, the skin care stuff when you came to my wife loves it, by the way. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds Oh, good, that's good. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds A new recurring, recurring customer. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds OK, good. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds But you're literally using that the profits from that highly successful business to invest fully in funding this. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds Yes, it's definitely supplementing a lot of the re required resource weeded and anchored by here. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds Two things #1 what's good for the island and and hopefully in time may be good for the country. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds But #2 there are certain natural advantages I think the country have, one of which is in, you know, Arako Maori or or Oromoa Maori and you know, things like mano, which we're kind of heavily investing into in terms of research. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds But also, I mean, we're already 82% renewable and as a country, again, there's some we could Telegraph to, you know, kind of other countries or, or territories and jurisdictions. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds And and that's kind of where we like to kind of look at, you know, places or industries or spaces that we also do have a good opportunity to make a wide Moat that I think might have some interest or some appetite globally around some of the products and, and and services we can produce.
New Zealand, ferry, fishing boats, electric boats, hydro flowing boat, Auckland, commercial routes, public transport, diesel vessel, petrol vessel, battery electric boats, technology, business case, payback period, lower cost ownership, fossil fuels, kilowatt hours per mile, traditional boats
When does this become practical for the everyday New Zealander, like on a ferry or on their fishing boats? 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Or you tell us a bit more about what your plans are here. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds You know, one of the interesting, like, sort of thought exercises that I think about is, yeah, in a room of people that, you know, let's say I'm speaking to, you have asked people to raise their hand. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds Like, have you ever been on electric hydro flowing boat before? 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds No one would probably raise their hand. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds I'd be willing to wager that in 10 years from now, that's going to totally change. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds The reason being is that, you know, these boats are going to be operating here in Auckland doing commercial routes on public public transport services. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds You know, for many operators out in the world, they're looking for any way to avoid buying a diesel or petrol vessel again. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds Yeah, the reality is that battery electric boats, traditionally, you know, they can handle some missions, but they can't handle all missions. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds So what we do is we unlock entirely new routes. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds You know, there's routes here in Auckland that wouldn't be possible without this, this technology. 0:57 0 minutes 57 seconds Gotcha. 0:57 0 minutes 57 seconds But, you know, beyond that, it's really just a business case for operators, you know, in terms of sort of payback. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds So like for many operators, you know, we take the payback period to be five to seven years and up to 50% lower lifetime cost ownership for the vessel just because fossil fuels are so expensive. 1:12 1 minute 12 seconds That's expensive, Yeah. 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds And, and boats consume so much fossil. 1:15 1 minute 15 seconds Yeah, that's so expensive. 1:16 1 minute 16 seconds Yeah. 1:16 1 minute 16 seconds It's like, you know, measured in, you know, we measure our performance in terms of kilowatt hours per mile. 1:22 1 minute 22 seconds Well, traditional boats measure the performance in terms of liters per mile, yeah.
Electrification, New Zealand, Electric Vehicles, Kitchen Renovation, Electric Induction, Climate Target, Energy Savings, Battery Cost, Solar Cost, Household Electrification, National Strategy, Economic Benefits, Moral Argument
So we use this model, which is basically the idea that the next time someone in New Zealand's old Volvo dies, we help them get an electric vehicle. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds The next time you're you're doing a kitchen renovation, you update to electric induction and you just sort of replace everything at end of life. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds You would actually help us hit our climate target, but it would actually generate this extraordinary cumulative savings. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds The savings increase in the future because the battery cost of the battery, the cost of the solar cost of these is going down, but also the number of households that can do it is going up. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds And you can see by the end of this decade New Zealand be saving 3 or $4 billion a year and by 2040, ten plus billion dollars a year. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds And in fact, if you went all in as a nation on electrification as a strategy, it would help you hit your climate target, which is good. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds You can have a moral argument about that. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds But finally, you don't have to have an economic argument. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds The country would save $95 billion over that period of time.
Electrification, Energy Technology, Scaling Technology, Single Phase Units, Twin Fan Models, Kilowatt Units, R290, Cascadable Platforms, Building Electrification, Redundancy, Heat Pumps, Load Matching, System Reliability, Aged Care Homes Electrification, Hospital Electrification
0 minutes So what happens when we get into the bigger properties, we're taking that technology and we're scaling it up. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds So there's a couple of ways we can do that. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds One is these are these are smaller single phase units. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds We can get the twin fan models which are twice as tall, so there is a version of that here. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds So while that is a sort of a nine kilowatt unit, this is a 16 kilowatt unit. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds So twin fan R290 and that this platform is cascadable both they all are, so you can just whack more and more yeah. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds So we basically create a large input to the building by lining up a whole lot of smaller appliances. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds There's lots of reasons why that's a good idea. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds One is redundancy. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds Yeah. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds So you're not relying on just one appliance. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds We would typically take one boiler out and put in four or four heat pumps. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds Yeah, now that's one to try and match the load. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds But two, we've got a lot more reliability built into that system because if one heat pump goes down, three are stalls. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds We're only thinking things like aged care homes or hospitals or things like that. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds You want to make sure? 0:57 0 minutes 57 seconds Yeah.
Climate Change, Geopolitical Issues, Weather Events, Cyclone Gabriel, Resilience, Solar Panels, Cost of Solar Energy, Grid Electricity, Battery Cost, Battery Wear and Tear, Energy Storage, Power Outage, Self-sufficient Power Generation
0 minutes So it's a pretty scary time in the world at the moment. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds There's a lot of geopolitical issues combined with the fact that climate change is causing all sorts of undue weather events. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds We saw what happened, the horrific situation that unfolded through Cyclone Gabriel up north. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds We need to start thinking very seriously about our resilience, right? 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds You have a look at this graph here. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds What this graph shows you is the plummeting cost of solar panels over the last couple of years and the fact that we're now in a position that solar is cheaper than grid electricity even when you finance it at 5.5%, right? 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds If you have a look at the cost of batteries, that is very much getting to the point of being in the same place when you finance batteries at 5.5%. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds We are getting to the point now where we are on par with the cost of grid electricity. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds So when you put a kWh of energy through a battery, there is wear and tear on that battery. 0:57 0 minutes 57 seconds We expect that to cost around about 20 to $0.23 per kWh, which is very similar to what grid electricity costs. 1:05 1 minute 5 seconds When you put those together, solar and batteries, they are only just a little bit more expensive than the grid. 1:11 1 minute 11 seconds But you imagine when there's a power cut over a long period of time, how much extra freedom, resilience and security your household is going to have by essentially being able to generate your own power from the sun and storing it in the battery.
Electric Cars, Tesla, Car Infrastructure, Rural Living, Energy Efficiency, Home Appliances, Smart Software, Weather Predictions, Storm Watch
0 minutes And people ask me about cars a lot. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds They say, don't you need special infrastructure? 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds I'm like, I lived on a farm and plugged into the three pin for four years, three years and it was fine. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds When I moved into a new house, I got to cheap choose a whole lot of new machines and I was lucky enough that I had the right people around me to help build the infrastructure I need and the machines that drove that to be the most efficient. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds Tesla was the choice. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds The software is so good and easy to look at, and I like the way it's learning how I use my house, which is weird. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds Even in the mornings, it's like it knows what the weather's going to be the next day, which of course it doesn't wholly know, but there's something in there working for it. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds Because on cloudy days it does top up more. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds It seems like it tops up more. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds And of course it's got Storm Watch and all sorts of other stuff like that.
Energy Efficiency, Cost Saving, Household Fuels, Gas, Coal, Grid Electricity, Rising Energy Costs, New Zealand Energy Issues, Australian Solar Experience, Rooftop Solar, Solar Finance, Battery Storage, Global Energy Transition, Solar Upfront Costs
Even better news that these machines can save us money and a lot of it is because of that high efficiency. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds This is basically all of the price of all of the fuels that go into running a household. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds That's your gas, that's the coal that runs the electricity, it's the grid electricity and you can see petrol and diesel and brown. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds Over the last 20 years, 25 years, they've all risen faster than inflation and we have felt that in our pocketbook. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds So energy is now a cost of living issue in New Zealand as it is elsewhere. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds But here is the outline of an answer we now know from the Australian experience, and to a lesser degree the New Zealand experience. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds The rooftop solar finance is cheaper at delivering electricity to your house than the grid. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds And even if you add a battery, that's the green line, it's cheaper than the grid. 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds And the other extraordinary phenomenon that's going on here is that it locks in that price in the future. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds So the global energy transition can be seen as the substitution of finance for fuels used to buy a cheap machine and feed it expensive fuels. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds Now you buy 25 years of solar upfront and you finance it, and so you fix your costs.
Battery Technology, Battery Improvement, Electric Cars, Solar Energy, Cheap Solar, Wind Energy, Offshore Wind, Reliable Energy, Geothermal Energy, New Zealand Energy, Hydro Energy, Fossil Fuels, Australia Energy, Sunshine Energy, Climate Advantage, Large Scale Energy Build Out, Lowest Cost Energy System, Rooftop Solar, Network Costs, Community Energy, Transmission Reduction, Distributed Energy, Small Scale Energy, Permitting and Approval Periods.
0 minutes Batteries, it turns out, have been getting better at 3 or 4% per year in terms of our compound interest on three or 4% year is double as good every decade. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds Batteries are twice as good One decade from now, all the cars go 1000 kilometers and that's great. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds Solar is very cheap. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds Wind is great. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds Offshore wind won't be cheap, but it will be reliable. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds New Zealand's got geothermal. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds Geothermal can routinely do 9:00 to 12:00 cents a kWh. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds All of the above, especially if you've got a giant battery in the form of your hydro. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds That's why New Zealand gets over this goal post before a lot of the other the rest of the world. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds That's why the story here is good. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds You don't have a domestic fossil fuel industry of no, you've got this big bank called your hydro and you've got a mild climate. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds So in Australia we've got sunshine is their advantage and mild climate. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds We absolutely have to do big large scale build out. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds But if we were finding a lowest cost energy system that delivered the lowest cost of energy to everyone, including industry and consumers, you'd first maximize the rooftop solar because you'll eliminate all the network costs. 1:00 1 minute You'd then maximize community because you get rid of you. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds You don't need all the big transmission. 1:05 1 minute 5 seconds And then you'd get your balance from your big stuff. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds And right now I'm most excited about the distributed and the small because it can all go today doesn't require long permitting and approval periods. 1:16 1 minute 16 seconds So it's like it's shovel ready to use Obama's as Paul Lance.
Energy use, home electrification, diesel heating, gas appliances, energy consumption, family vehicle, lifestyle changes, electricity usage, real-time energy tracking, smart panel, gateway to electrification, solar arrays, battery installation, farm electrification.
0 minutes Everyone's energy use as a black box at the moment and what we do is shine a light basically on that usage. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds We had a home, would you believe it, that ran off diesel for its spatial heating, had full gas appliances in the home, gas fire as well, gas, cooking gas, gas everything. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds And of course, being a farmer, I had the diesel yield and we also had the Rav 4 for the family vehicle, right? 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds So we started, started with nothing and we pushed forward from there. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds Using me as a my my situation as an example. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds What do you think would be in 2024, the first steps that I should take in order to fully electrify my life? 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds I think the biggest challenge for most families and most consumers is knowing how and where they use the electricity. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds And what we do is fundamentally enable that. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds So for the first time ever you can see that in real time and make the changes and adjustments you need to your life to your family situation. 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds So let's take your example. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds What we would have had a put a smart panel in, you would have been able to understand your electrical use. 1:00 1 minute Then we could have gone out from there with the basic smart panel basically being the gateway to electrification. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds So for the farm, we could have gone based on your usage or family usage. 1:11 1 minute 11 seconds We can put in solar arrays, we can put in batteries, and we can start to electrify the whole farm.
Heat pumps, gas boiler, upfront capital costs, installation costs, heating system, R2 nineties, energy efficiency, LPG, diesel prices, gas network, return on investment, appliance cost comparison.
0 minutes Heat pumps have been well known for being more expensive appliances than say your average gas boiler and that sort of thing. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds But obviously upfront capital costs, upfront capital costs, the heat pump sort of works out about I mean, it's come down a lot. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So it used to be where the heat pump would be at least three times the cost of a gas boiler and then you have to add on things like your buffer tank and all your extra kits. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds So you know, if you were doing a front end installation for for a heating system where you would maybe spend 5 or $6000 on a boiler system, you were probably at the 15 to $20,000 mark for the heat pump. 0:35 0 minutes 35 seconds That's starting now to come down. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds Our latest range of R2 nineties have started to really close up that gap and we're starting to see a lot more people take interest in to get some projects across the line because of that. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds Outside of the reticulated gas network, you know, with LPG and and diesel prices the way they are, no, it's a no brainer when it comes to inside the gas network. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds Obviously gas is still relatively competitive as a as a fuel. 1:00 1 minute So it's a little bit higher upfront cost and a little bit lower return over time. 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds But the heat pump will always pay itself back in the in the, in the big scheme of things. 1:08 1 minute 8 seconds Yeah, yeah.
Electrification, Heat Pumps, Solar Energy, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, Carbon Cost, Energy Resilience, Volatile Energy Pricing, Energy Supply Reliability, Storm Events, Building Efficiency.
0 minutes An efficiency first and then apply the systems to it that are also the most efficient. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds And so electrification, the development of heat pumps improvements that I saw in solar in three years that I was quoting my property, the total amount of solar I could get was increased by about 10% in three years. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds Just watching it as I was getting new quotes in as my building was getting delayed standard. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds Well that one next we did bonus. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds It's not just the sustainability of the carbon, the cost, it's around resilience. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds And really I think that's for me, the light bulb that's going off in my head is I, I want to be the person a little bit more prepared than than less prepared. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds But it could be resilience to the volatile pricing of energy and or the supply and reliable supply of energy, whether it's a big event or even just small events like storm events.
Farm Electrification, Battery Installation, Energy Storage, Grid Resilience, Hydroelectric Scheme, New Zealand Farms, Electricity Demand, Power Saving, Renewable Energy, Battery Price Drop, Kilowatt Hours, Energy Economy.
I'm about to install 300 kilowatt hours of batteries on my farm. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds Up until this point I had 120 kilowatt hours, but I'm looking at upgrading the system mainly because the price of batteries have absolutely plummeted in the last couple of years and we're nearly at the point we're storing electricity in. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds A battery cost the same amount as getting their electricity from the grid. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds This is financing in a 5.5%. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds This is if you buy the batteries outright and don't finance them at all. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds Now the interesting thing is, is that if every farm installed 300 kilowatt hours of batteries like me, we would have a huge amount of storage on the 50,000 farms in New Zealand. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds It would be the equivalent of adding another 20% to our hydroelectric scheme in New Zealand, right? 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds That storage can be used for responding on the New Zealand National Grid when we need it to, when our demand is outstripping supply, like it did in May 2024, where we got all these alerts and everyone had to save power. 0:56 0 minutes 56 seconds Well, it's a very, very good opportunity for farmers to be storing that power, pushing it back to the grid when everyone else needs it, and basically making our grid more resilient, which is only going to be a good thing for our economy.
Electrification, Joe Biden, Big Switch, Electrified, Australian bogan language, community benefits of electrification, community economics, energy nerd, US energy flow, oil, coal, gas, solar, nuclear energy, driving cars, cooking food, living in homes, running businesses, energy analysis, rewiring, zero emissions.
0 minutes By writing these books on electrification, Electrify was written for an audience of one, and that was to Joe Biden. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds Big Switch was for an audience of 27 million. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds It's the same book as Electrified, but it's written in bogan for Australians. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds And the quarterly essay is a rumination on the community benefits of electrification, including community economics. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds And in some respects, the paper today is a bigger version of that. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds All of it ultimately counts because I'm a super energy nerd. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds This is the one slide I'm going to quit you on at the end of the night. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds This is all energy flow through the US economy from the left where the oil and the coal and the gas and the solar and the nuclear input, all the way over to the right, which is where we live, where you do things like drive cars, cook food, live in homes, run businesses. 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds It was this energy analysis that underpins a lot of the work that the rewiring is doing. 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds Because when you look at this and you think how do the humans keep doing all the things that they want to do here, they do it with 0 emissions. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds The answer is electrification.
Cooking Costs, Electric Cooking, Induction Cooking, Gas Cooking, Energy Bills, LPG Cooking, New Zealand Energy, Cooking Energy Comparison, Rewiring Altoroa, Resistive Electric Cooking, Home Heating, Water Heating, Utility Charges
0 minutes All right. 0:00 0 minutes So let's look at the cost of cooking. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds Cooking is a dinner table decision. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds How we cook our food, whether that is with gas or whether that was with resistant electric or whether that was with indeed induction, that is really another personal decision that we need to be looking at. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds As you can see, if you're cooking with LPG in the South Island, that's a reasonably significant cost even compared to the likes of gas in the North Island. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds But in particular, comparing that to the electric option in New Zealand, we've included all the upfront costs as well as the energy bills and what you can see here. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds This is why the induction cook top is probably slightly more expensive over its lifetime at the moment than say a gas cook top in New Zealand. 0:40 0 minutes 40 seconds The big thing being the we don't use a lot of energy without cooking. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds We do use some energy without cooking. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds And our motto at Rewiring Altoroa is to electrify everything that you don't love. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds Now if you're someone who seriously loves cooking with gas, but we're not here to tell you not to cook with gas. 1:00 1 minute However, what we are here to illustrate is that you are differently paying more for your cooking than you would using a resistive electric. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds But that again, is a personal choice. 1:09 1 minute 9 seconds The main thing being, I think that it's important to consider is that when you replace gas from your home for all of the other reasons, the heating and the water heating, there is not really much pointing paying a utility charge just for cooking with gas. 1:23 1 minute 23 seconds At that point, that's when it gets really expensive.
Farming, Diesel Usage, Solar Power, Battery Storage, Electric Machinery, Dairy Sheds, Irrigation Systems, Farming Electrification, Energy Transition, Sustainable Farming, Energy Self-Sufficiency.
0 minutes One of the big things about farming, as we spend about $700 million a year in diesel now, there are plenty of machines on farms that can only run on diesel at the moment. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds But the important thing about installing solar and batteries, batteries on farms is that we can start to generate a lot of the energy that we use on many of the machines that are already electric, particularly our dairy sheds, particularly our irrigation systems. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds And as more and more machines can be replaced by electric options, we're going to start seeing the slow and gradual electrification of all farming machinery and being able to generate and store that own energy yourself as future proofing for that inevitable energy transition that's coming to farming.
Electric Vehicle, Cost Savings, Driving Costs, Solar Power, New Zealand Sunshine, Petrol Engine Car, Sector Coupling, Energy Industry, Transport Sector, Residential Sector, Electricity Sector, Industrial Sector, Commercial Sector.
0 minutes Put an emphasis on where the savings are. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds This is the picture of cost of driving a car. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds The red is the cost of driving a car 100 kilometers over the last 25 years up and to the right, which is not a good thing projected to increase faster. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds You can now see that incredible yellow line is a car charged off rooftop solar. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds So it cost you two or three cents a kilometer to drive that electric vehicle on New Zealand sunshine instead of 25 or $0.30 a kilometer running a petrol engine car. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds And this really speaks to sector coupling. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds We tried to think about the energy industry in terms of the transport sector, the residential sector, the electricity sector, the industrial sector. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds Sector coupling means those boundaries are now a bit fluid because this car is going to be plugged into a home or a small business in the commercial sector or the residential sector, and it's coupled to the electricity sector at the same time.
Waterware, Super Pumps, Steve Glead Hill, National Sales Manager, Mechanical Engineering, Business Development, Plumbing Division, Heat Pump Technology, High Temperature Technology, Central Heating, Potable Water Valves, Clefy Range, Plumbing Parts, Bathroom Products, Heating and Hot Water, New Zealand, Natural Gas, Diesel, Fossil Fuels.
0 minutes I'm here at Waterware Super Pumps. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds Why don't you introduce yourself to the viewers of rewiring and let us know what you do. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds My name is Steve Glead Hill. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds I'm the national sales manager for waterware my background is mechanical engineer by profession, but I've got into business development and sales for the last 20 years and so I lead our sales team in the heating and plumbing division. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds So here at Waterware, we focus on the latest heat pump and high temperature technology for exactly that. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds So water based central heating in our product range, we do potable water valves and that sort of stuff out of the Clefy range. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds So this is all of your plumbing parts that go behind the wall. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds So, and then we do a whole lot of bathroom wear products as well, which is all front of the wall when it comes to like heating and hot water. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds There's always a heat source and predominantly in New Zealand. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds You know, we used to use a lot of natural gas and diesel and fossil fuels, but now heat pump technology has really stepped up to the plate.
Heat pumps, fan blown air, radiant heating, under floor heating, radiators, split system, high wall unit, fan coil, home electrification, energy efficiency, air movement, indoor comfort
0 minutes But I have heard a lot of people say that they don't like heat pumps and they just don't like the way that it feels. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds They don't like the heat on it. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds But you've just been telling me just then that that it's actually that they love heat pumps, but it's something else that they don't like. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds Yeah. 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds So what they don't like is fan blown air is what I understand from a lot of people that I've talked about. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds So, and that's pretty understandable because when you're trying to heat a home, if you create a movement of air, you're creating a draft which creates a cooling effect. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds So it actually is not as comfortable as say, for example, radiant heating, which is like under floor heating and radiators. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds So when you say a heat pump, what you're talking about is the unit outside the house. 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds That's the heat pump. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds Yeah. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds So when you've got a split system where you have a high wall unit, that's not a heat pump, that is a fan coil. 0:49 0 minutes 49 seconds So that's a big fan essentially, right. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds So it's blowing air into the house. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds So what we're talking about is we would still use a heat pump, but that heat pump would produce water that it would then pump into the house. 1:00 1 minute And we will put that into underfloor heating or radiators. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds And there's no air movement with those technologies. 1:05 1 minute 5 seconds So you can still you can get the efficiency of a heat pump, but still feel really comfortable without moving any air around at all.
Cheap Energy Cost, Energy Rate, Fossil Fuel, Electric Energy, CapEx, Upfront Costs, Electric Vehicles, Heat Pump Water, Financing, Low Energy Costs, Electrification Machines, Petrol vs Electricity Costs, New Zealand Energy Costs.
0 minutes And this is the incredible story of the very cheap energy cost. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds The rate is the the cost of all your energy for gas, LPG, petrol, electricity in a fossil fuel powered household. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Blue is for an all electric. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds And here's the cost if you put the CapEx in. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So the big grey block at the bottom that is your, your CapEx, your upfront costs. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds So the electric vehicles cost a bit more, the heat pump water either costs a bit more. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds But even with the financing, which is the grey bit and the financing will be a bit more in the new house, but very, very low energy costs because the electrification machines are so cheap and the electricity compared to petrol and diesel is so cheap, you're coming out ahead. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds So this is true for a single home or a household in in New Zealand today.
Heat pumps, efficiency, refrigerant, energy absorption, second law of thermodynamics, heat extraction, Central Otago, COP, electricity usage, compressor, fan operation
0 minutes Heat pumps don't have 100% efficiency. 0:02 0 minutes 2 seconds They might have 300 to 400% efficiency because of the way that they work. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds And I thought the awesome of, you know, you're an expert in this field, How do they actually work and how do they create way more heat than the energy that they use, right? 0:16 0 minutes 16 seconds OK. 0:17 0 minutes 17 seconds The general principle of a heat pump is it uses a refrigerant that runs at very, very cold temperatures. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds And very cold refrigerant absorbs energy from the environment. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds So the second layer law of thermodynamics is heat moves to cold, right? 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds So, and if you have a refrigerant running at -40, then -15� feels relatively warm, and from that air temperature it can absorb energy. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds So even a heat pump, even down in the middle of winter and Central Otago can actually extract heat from the environment. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds So the COP or the efficiency is generated by the fact that they're the unit only takes a certain amount of electricity to operate. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds But the refrigerant circuit, by exposing that refrigerant to the environment, the air, the energy is drawn in from the air that's being sucked through the unit by the fan. 1:01 1 minute 1 second And so for every one kilowatt of electricity that's been used to to make the compressor and the fan and everything run, it's sucking in probably two or three kilowatts of heat.
Heat pump, CRP, output, air temperature, water temperature, kilowatts, refrigerant system, appliance comparison, split system, capacity, flow temperature
0 minutes So if someone says what is the CRP of your heat pump or what is the output of your heat pump, the question needs to be at what air temperature and water temperature do you want to know? 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds Because if you don't ask that question, then the numbers are meaningless. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Yes. 0:10 0 minutes 10 seconds Understood. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds Yeah. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds And so I'm going to ask you that question anyway. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds My heat pump on the side of my house, it has a big sticker that says 4 kilowatts. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds What does that mean? 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds So that's what So my. 0:22 0 minutes 22 seconds So that would be an ear. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds Is that an ear? 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds Yeah. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds It's a split system. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds Yeah, yeah, Yeah. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds OK. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds So it's likely to be its capacity at 7� outside the air temperature, right? 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds Yeah, that's still still the case. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds Now when it comes to flow temperature with a refrigerant system, it's done a little differently. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds So they don't really specify that, but the their, their performance is kind of put in the same scale so that you can compare your appliances on the same market. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds Got you.
Battery technology, energy cells, home energy storage, renewable energy, energy solutions, New Zealand energy, global energy issues, energy systems, grid modernization, distributed generation, smart grid, energy transition, future of energy
0 minutes When you buy a battery, it usually comes with a whole bunch of these cells all packed together into one battery. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds As you can see, this is what they look like down here. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds And then those cells are put into these sort of compartments and you would see one of these one of these racks here, which isn't actually huge, and that would go into a home on air tier. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds That's right. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds Yep, Yep, that's right. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds Super motivated by fixing some issues on the island. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds And then you're #2 if, if we can showcase how it could, could work and look there, it's something. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds I think it's quite valuable much in New Zealand. 0:30 0 minutes 30 seconds But you know, it's a signal you can kind of show around the world. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds Really. 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds This is what I thought's been a big problem of the energy system for so long as everyone is focused on the problems of why we can't do things and no one is focused on the opportunity society. 0:44 0 minutes 44 seconds And so I'm looking at this now going, this is awesome. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds A lot of things to overcome, but in reality, if you can solve it, Yeah. 0:51 0 minutes 51 seconds And make the energy system so much cheaper for everyone in New Zealand. 0:54 0 minutes 54 seconds That's right. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds It is really exciting to see how the world could look and the tools that are are are necessary to actually, yeah, accelerate the transition. 1:03 1 minute 3 seconds But anticipate how the grid of the future could look because it's going to be a myriad and, you know, rather than centralized generation, it might be distributed. 1:08 1 minute 8 seconds And, you know, rather than one way transmission, it could be smart and multidirectional, all that kind of stuff. 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds So that's really, really fun to look at and if we're going to be part of that.
Energy cost, delivered energy, petrol cost, gas delivery, electricity cost, New Zealand energy, solar power, battery systems, home energy, cost of solar, grid electricity, energy savings, energy security, energy resilience.
What's happening we call the cost of delivered energy and it doesn't really matter what type of energy it is. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds Whether it's petrol that is delivered to the pump where you swipe your card. 0:08 0 minutes 8 seconds Whether it is gas delivered in a bottle to the side of your home with a monthly bill. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds Or whether it is gas delivered through the reticulated pipes in Auckland and Wellington where you get a a monthly bill. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds Or whether it's electricity that's delivered through the poles and wires around New Zealand. 0:23 0 minutes 23 seconds What we are noticing across the board is the cost of delivered energy continues to rise. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds One of the most amazing things about buying solar and battery systems for your home is you begin to lock in the cost of energy over a long period of time. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds So this green line here if we it is basically the cost of solar where half of it is consumed on the spot. 0:46 0 minutes 46 seconds You know when it's sunny and you turn your dishwasher on or your fridge is running and half of it is stored at a 5.5% interest rate, We're getting to the point now where that is now cheaper than the cost of electricity on the grid, right? 1:01 1 minute 1 second When you buy it and you lock it in, you're locking in batteries. 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds We expect them to last about 15 years. 1:06 1 minute 6 seconds We expect the solar panels to last about 25 years. 1:09 1 minute 9 seconds You're locking in the price of your electricity, essentially your energy for the next 1520 or well out beyond 2040. 1:17 1 minute 17 seconds So we are now sort of arguing that actually it's in your financial best interest and in the best interest in terms of security and resilience for your household that you start looking at putting these systems and yesterday because you're going to save from tomorrow.
electric boats, electric ferries, electric vessels, boat electrification, skipper perspective, passenger perspective, Air Force analogy, vessel driver, fossil fuel vs electric, competitive adoption, ecosystem transition, sustainable transport, hydro fueling technology, noise pollution reduction, environmental choice.
0 minutes What are people saying who are passengers and maybe captains or skippers of, of, of these kinds of boats? 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Yeah. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Like the analogy I'll draw is like when you join the Air Force and you pilot, there's a lottery at some point and you get chosen for certain missions and certain planes. 0:13 0 minutes 13 seconds And people are definitely gunning for, you know, the more exciting vehicles and more exciting planes. 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds The same thing with this. 0:19 0 minutes 19 seconds If you do have the option of being the driver for a vessel like this, you know, there's an element of units to it. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds Yeah. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds Because of that, you know, it's desirable. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds And then, you know, as a passenger, do you want to take the fossil fuel power thing or the electric hydro fueling thing? 0:33 0 minutes 33 seconds I don't know of many people that'd be like, Nah, I'll actually take the fossil fuel power thing. 0:37 0 minutes 37 seconds Like if the Eastbourne ferries were stacked up and it's like, what one do you want to go on? 0:41 0 minutes 41 seconds Everyone would choose the electric one, right? 0:43 0 minutes 43 seconds It's quiet and it's nice and and it's cool too, because that'll drive competitive adoption. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds You know, if you think about sort of like multiple different sort of like operators in an ecosystem, you know, as soon as like this transition starts beginning, you know, it'll motivate other folks in these ecosystems to also make the transition. 1:01 1 minute 1 second You know because of that bottoms U choice that people are going to start making.
Electrification, Energy Policy, Household Energy, Retail Energy Prices, Energy Efficiency, Distributed Technologies, Solar EVs, American Energy Policy, Australian Energy Policy, New Zealand Energy Policy, Infrastructure Investment, Economic Possibilities, Energy Regulatory Reform, Two-Way Energy Flow
0 minutes My soul will charge your car during the day and your car will come home after and cook my dinner for me. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds So we're just thinking about that journey that you've been on in America and in Australia. 0:09 0 minutes 9 seconds What would you think is the best piece of advice that you could give those policymakers to really understand and accelerate the role of households and electrification? 0:18 0 minutes 18 seconds Traditional economists think in barrels of oil and tons of oil and the wholesale prices, commodity trading. 0:25 0 minutes 25 seconds And those prices are very, very cheap. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds But you don't pay wholesale prices, you pay retail prices. 0:31 0 minutes 31 seconds You buy petrol at the pump, which is 5 or 10 times more expensive than you buy gas that after you put all them through the network, is much more expensive. 0:38 0 minutes 38 seconds And so just merely thinking about the delivered cost of energy really is what delivers these amazing results in combination with the efficiency of these machines and this access to these distributed technologies that because of the economies of scale, it became very cheap. 0:53 0 minutes 53 seconds That's the batteries and the solar EVs. 0:55 0 minutes 55 seconds What does that mean in the American context and the Australian and New Zealand context for policy? 0:59 0 minutes 59 seconds It's starting to mean that you, you can invest, you can be you. 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds You have to redefine infrastructure. 1:07 1 minute 7 seconds You can invest a lot because the country can expect returns. 1:11 1 minute 11 seconds So it opens up the economic possibilities. 1:13 1 minute 13 seconds You need regulatory form because we no longer have an electricity system where energy flows one way from the dam or the coal plant to you. 1:22 1 minute 22 seconds It's going to flow both ways.
New Zealand, EV technology, electric vehicles, overseas testing, EV truck manufacturers, electric tractor, electric trucks, global EV relationships
0 minutes You are another New Zealander that's now heading overseas to convince everyone who is building this technology overseas that New Zealand is a great place to test this stuff. 0:06 0 minutes 6 seconds Absolutely. 0:07 0 minutes 7 seconds I mean, we've got all the conditions you can ask for on the planet here in NZ. 0:12 0 minutes 12 seconds We've got a dedicated team of EV and you've met Josh, so dedicated team that look after our trucks so we can produce all the information that they require. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds So we're really keen on forming those relationships with those EV truck manufacturers globally. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds Awesome. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds Well, I've got an electric tractor in you guys. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds You guys can get the all of those electric trucks in and we're gonna make when when we christen it, we'll have you along like awesome.
Electric vehicles, clean car rebate, rucks, New Zealand, running cost, average car, operational cost, petrol vehicle, vehicle servicing, fuel excise tax, fuel bills, fast charger, kWh cost, fast net charger, home charging, grid charging, solar power, rooftop solar.
0 minutes Right. 0:00 0 minutes There has been some changes very recently to electric vehicles. 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds Obviously the clean car rebate has gone and along with the clean car rebate going, they have also introduced rucks. 0:11 0 minutes 11 seconds We all have to start paying rucks on our electric vehicles pretty much from now. 0:14 0 minutes 14 seconds So we thought we'd have a look at how rucks has actually affected the running cost of an average car in New Zealand. 0:21 0 minutes 21 seconds The average car in New Zealand drives 11,000 kilometers per year. 0:27 0 minutes 27 seconds And here's the operational cost. 0:29 0 minutes 29 seconds So we're looking at about $4300 to run a petrol vehicle that includes your vehicle servicing the rocks was already included in your fuel excise tax and there are your fuel bills. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds When you look at doing an electric car on a fast charger in New Zealand, it's costing about $0.80 per kWh. 0:45 0 minutes 45 seconds So you're nearly nearly 30. 0:48 0 minutes 48 seconds What are we looking at, $3900 a year in operational costs? 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds If you would exclusively fast charge in a fast net charger around New Zealand, that's not a realistic thing. 0:57 0 minutes 57 seconds Most of us charge our vehicles at home and only use those from time to time. 1:01 1 minute 1 second If you charge exclusively from the grid, well, now you're down to about $2200. 1:05 1 minute 5 seconds But the biggest saving of all is if you can put a huge amount of the solar that you generate on your own rooftop into your electric vehicle, or then you're down to $1700 a year in operation costs.
Electrification, Energy Consumption, Retail Plans, Consumer App, Power Switch, Energy Saving, Digital Experience, Appliance Consumption, Best Electricity Plan, Home Energy Control, Energy Use Automation, Lower Energy Costs, Electricity Insights, Household Needs
0 minutes There's actually 2800 retail plans in the market. 0:03 0 minutes 3 seconds How do you know what the best one is for you? 0:04 0 minutes 4 seconds What we've done with our consumer app is put power switch in your pocket, giving the consumers the ability to make the best choice for their family, save costs and do that all simply with a swipe of a button. 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds The way that our digital experience works and how we help customers save money is all of the energy that's consumed in your home flows through this panel. 0:24 0 minutes 24 seconds You'll be able to understand every single appliance in your house and how much that's consuming. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds And we then assess that consumption against all of the electricity retail plans that exist in the market. 0:34 0 minutes 34 seconds And we help you find the best plan based on your current profiles. 0:39 0 minutes 39 seconds We then help you control energy use within your house. 0:42 0 minutes 42 seconds It might be turning a hot water cylinder on and off remotely or automating that control. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds And we basically help you shift and lower your average cents per kWh as far as possible. 0:52 0 minutes 52 seconds Whole inherent belief is that everyone should have access to electricity insights so they can save money. 0:57 0 minutes 57 seconds So everyone gets that out of the gate. 0:59 0 minutes 59 seconds What our consumer app does is allows you to see, based on your usage and individual household needs, what plan and which retail company you should be with.
Electrification, Household Electrification, Knowledge Gap, Misinformation, Energy Myths, Cultural Barriers, Grid Resilience, Battery Deployment, Electric Vehicles, Rivian, Renewable Energy, Energy Resilience
And what other levers exist, you know, the report mentions information, workforce, supply chain. 0:05 0 minutes 5 seconds Can you expand on where you think those those levers can be pulled and maybe what the barriers are for them not being pulled at the moment to accelerate the electrification of households? 0:15 0 minutes 15 seconds I might start with the most basic one, which is I think there's just a huge knowledge gap. 0:20 0 minutes 20 seconds And in the day of the day of Facebook being people's principal news source, news source, there's an enormous amount of misinformation. 0:26 0 minutes 26 seconds There's a million stories out. 0:28 0 minutes 28 seconds You won't be able to cook Asian food on a walk unless it's gas. 0:32 0 minutes 32 seconds Like that's big problem in this in cultural communities in Australia. 0:36 0 minutes 36 seconds We've just got to push back against all of these sort of nonsense stories of this that, you know, the, the, the myth that the, the grid will crash if you do all of this, that actually there's going to be so many batteries deployed in houses. 0:47 0 minutes 47 seconds And this, all of this can actually make the grid more resilient. 0:50 0 minutes 50 seconds Like if you buy and I, I have a Rivian in, in the US, it's basically a Toyota Hilux that's got 1000 horsepower and 135 kWh battery, which means that battery alone will run our whole house for five or six days. 1:04 1 minute 4 seconds So when everyone has one of those parked in the driveway, that's going to give you incredible resilience to your energy system.
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