Electrify Waiheke

Waiheke’s vision is to become a shining example of how to respond to climate change, socially, economically and ecologically. Our vision is to create a resilient, self-sustaining, independent, and net carbon-positive community where the mauri of people | tangata, the atmosphere | kōhauhau and the natural environment | taiao on land |whenua and sea | moana thrives.
“To transition on Waiheke Island: 150 residential houses, 10 businesses, 5 public facilities and 100 vehicles from being powered by fossil fuels, to being fully powered by renewable energy, through a combination of self-generation and full renewable grid supply energy”
This mission is deliberately set to be specific, achievable, measurable, and time-bound to focus attention on the most imminent objectives of the movement for 2025 and to support the goals of the Waiheke Local Climate Plan to have “Greater energy self-sufficiency using solar and wind generation to reduce and then replace our reliance on the cable from the mainland by 2030.
Who we are
We are a community-driven collective dedicated to making Waiheke a self-sufficient, fossil-fuel-free island powered by renewable energy, supported by the Waiheke Resources Trust and Carbon Neutral Waiheke.
Community Resources
Media Release: Waiheke's ambitious 2025 plan
Here's how Waiheke is set to be the country’s first all-electric island.
Download FileVisit LinkHousehold electrification calculator
Plug in your information and see how much money you could save.
Download FileVisit LinkWhat is an electric home? Guide
Learn about the savings and machines in an electric home.
Download FileVisit LinkUpcoming Events
Keep an eye out for more local events coming soon.
Check out Rewiring Aotearoa's events page for more talks, meet ups and events.
Past Events

Explore how Waiheke’s industries, including vineyards, and our broader community can electrify to make huge savings and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Don’t miss it! info@wrt.org.nz to register.
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