Jun 24, 2024
Otago Daily Times
Business benefits electrify at conference in resort

The Otago Daily Times and The South Today covered the inaugural Electrify Queenstown conference at Millbrook Resort yesterday. Destination Queenstown chief executive Mat Woods said the event was to show "the benefits of electrification, and what businesses can electrify such as vehicles, heating and cooking methods" and there was a huge amount of interest from the business community. "It was important to build an understanding that when things need to be replaced, replacing them with electric alternatives are not only better for the planet, but can also be cheaper, and more reliable ... Realistically we expected 50 people to turn up, but we had to cap attendance for the morning’s panel at 150 people." Rewiring Aotearoa's Mike Casey was the keynote speaker, and his electric tractor even provided heating for the tradeshow in the marquee.

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