Jan 12, 2025
The Post
Electrify everything (and everyone): What Mike Casey will be doing for the planet in 2025

It may sound weird (and possibly illegal) but electrifying your friends and relatives is a good option, writes Mike Casey.

It's hard to change people's perspectives, but Rewiring Aotearoa CEO Mike Casey is particularly proud of the fact that he's managed to 'electrify his dad' Simon Casey, who ran as a candidate for the Act Party in the last election.

As he writes in an op-ed in The Post about what he's doing for the planet in 2025, saving money was the main motivation for dad's decision to get an EV, rooftop solar and a battery, but upgrading to electric machines has also chopped his emissions down to almost nothing. Win-win!

Wanting to save money is something most of us have in common and you can save plenty of it by electrifying your life. And if you've already done it, one of the best things you can do for the planet is to follow Mike's lead and electrify your mums, dads, siblings, cousins, friends and grumpy uncles.

"If you succeed, that is one gift that will keep on giving."

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