Jun 23, 2024
Mountain Scene
Electrifying Queenstown

Rewiring Aotearoa was proud to be part of the inaugural Electrifying Queenstown event at Millbrook alongside more than 150 members of the local business community. DQ boss Mat Woods told Mountain Scene the idea for the event was sparked by the Electric Homes report about New Zealand becoming one of the first countries in the world to reach the ‘‘tipping point’’ and there's a positive peer pressure in the Southern Lakes air as the region attempts to create a carbon zero visitor economy by 2030. To reach that goal it will have to, as Mike Casey said at the event, electrify everything that can be electrified - and quickly. As Kinloch Wilderness Lodge's Toni Glover said, the best way to do that is 'just start'. Kudos to Destination Queenstown, the Queenstown Business Chamber and Aurora for making it happen. We'd love to see more events like this right across the country so we can share the economic and environmental opportunities of electrification to more Kiwi businesses. Where next?

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