May 17, 2024
New Zealand Green Building Council report shows massive cost and emission savings from better buildings and electrification

The New Zealand Green Building Council's new report 'Closing the Gap' shows that improving buildings could save New Zealand almost $40 billion and slash emissions. "Improving the standard of new buildings and electrification are no-brainers. The sooner we get started, the more emissions we’ll avoid and the more money Kiwis, businesses and farmers will save," says Rewiring Aotearoa CEO Mike Casey. Andrew Eagles, NZGBC chief executive says: "As New Zealand is bound by law and international trade agreements to reduce our emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, our buildings are a key lever." Actions explored in the report include: Staggered improvements to the building code, requiring new buildings to measuring operational and upfront carbon emissions at consenting stage from 2025, a 20% reduction in both upfront and operational emissions by 2028, 40% reduction in upfront carbon emissions and near zero energy in operation by 20230, and a 60% reduction in upfront carbon emissions and near zero energy in operation by 2034. Require all homes put up for sale or rent to have an Energy Performance Certificates by 2028, and all office buildings over 1,000sqm put up for sale or lease to have a NABERSNZ certificate from 2026. Phase out of fossil gas in homes and commercial buildings. Suggested actions include expand the Warmer Kiwi Homes programme to subsidise electrification of home heating from 2027, converting 25,000 homes a year. End new residential fossil gas connections from 2026. Implement a concerted programme, building on the successful replacement of coal boilers in schools and hospitals, to subsidise 10% of commercial buildings per year from 2026 to electrify.

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