Aug 21, 2024
Rewiring Aotearoa
Rewiring Aotearoa's submission to New Zealand’s second emissions reduction plan (2026–30)

Our ERP2 submission outlines what we think needs to be done to improve the Government's plan to reach our climate targets, electrify the Aotearoa New Zealand economy and build a fairer future energy system for New Zealanders that saves people money and does not leave anyone behind.

What’s the deal?

The Government has released a discussion document outlining how it plans to meet our emissions targets and has asked for submissions.

What’s the problem?

As stated by many climate scientists and media outlets, the combination of policies proposed in the Second Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP2) document will not keep New Zealand on track for Net Zero 2050, nor will they enable us to meet our third emissions budget.

Rewiring Aotearoa believes much more work is needed to ensure that ERP2 is robust and able to deliver results and confidence in the wider scope of New Zealand’s climate action.

What’s needed?

  1. Go wider and deeper - get cleaner and cheaper: rethink the economic and energy assumptions that ERP2 (as well as the energy system, including fuel for transport) is founded upon. Do not suffer from carbon tunnel vision - broaden remit, encourage customer energy resources and household electrification and be panoptic to reap the many rewards of electrification: improved health and wellbeing from cheaper, cleaner, and more efficient energy.
  2. Think long-term: meaningfully embed foresight into ERP2 to better prepare for reducing the extent of the economic, environmental, social impacts that climate change will have on future generations, while working towards energy security and resilience today.  
  3. Disclose the Nationally Determined Contribution liability: action the McGuinness Institute’s recommendations urging the government to disclose the NDC liability in the financial statements of the New Zealand government.
  4. Be transparent: release the modelling used to inform and justify the proposals made throughout ERP2.  
  5. Transition with fairness and equity: prevent disproportionate impacts on Māori and Pasifika and all low-income, marginalised and disadvantaged communities. This means making clean energy affordable and accessible for all.

Get in behind

If you want changes to be made to ERP2, Rewiring Aotearoa has created a public submission guide here with some hints and tips on how to make your voice heard (and what you might want to ask for).  

Every submission is important. So make your feelings known and help make the case for rapid emissions reductions through electrification.

Submissions have been extended to August 25.

Read moreDownload the document here

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