Renters make up around one third of households in New Zealand. Some landlords may be open to installing solar panels and more efficient electric appliances, especially as it is likely to enhance the property value and attractiveness as a rental. You could calculate a value proposition and negotiate a slight rental increase in exchange for a larger power bill reduction, something often called a comfort levy. This means both the landlord and the tenants benefit - the landlord gets more rent, the tenant gets a cheaper power bill, and the savings come for free from the sun.
Portable induction stoves are available for those who don’t want to cook with gas, which is especially relevant given the health impacts of indoor gas appliances.
It is best to check with the specific appliance details and a healthcare professional. Induction cooktops generate electromagnetic fields, which can affect a pacemaker if you get too close. The British Heart Foundation recommends “Keep a distance of at least 60cm (2ft) between the stovetop and your pacemaker. Most people should be able to use a hob if they follow these precautions. And classic electric cooktops are still a good option for those who are concerned.
For most houses, single phased power is sufficient. But check with an electrician before purchasing an induction cooktop to check if any electrical upgrades are required.
A number of professional chefs like Pete Gawron, Michael Meredith and Des Harris have made the switch to induction because it directly heats the cooking surface and not the surrounding space (like gas). This means cooking temperature can be very precisely controlled.

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